So it’s Sunday afternoon.  I decided to give myself a short break so here’s a post for Trisha to read in the morning.

I had a meeting after the music portion of the second service today, so we didn’t get home until almost 1:00.  I made tacos for dinner (quick and tasty) and then took a minute to read my favorite stuff in the paper and clip coupons.  Then I started on what I’m taking to the Super Bowl party tonight.  I’m taking cookies, fruit, and chocolate covered pretzels and strawberries.  I made one kind of cookie last night, but decided I’d wait until today to make the second kind.

Unfortunately, the second kind didn’t really turn out so well.  I made oatmeal scotchies, but I have had a lot of trouble recently getting any cookie with oats in them to turn out right.  So I ended up with a pile of crumbles rather than normal cookies…they tasted good, but I couldn’t exactly take them anywhere.  So I decided that one type of cookie and the other stuff will have to suffice.  Besides, we always end up with WAY too much food, so it’ll probably be fine!

Karen is hosting the party tonight for our small group.  It should be fun.  I’ll let you know tomorrow!   Anyway, I should probably go back to the kitchen and work on the cutting up the fruit. 

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  1. trishlrich
    February 6, 2006

    Thanks for the reading material! 

    Mmmm… oatmeal scotchies sound good.  I’m going to make a bunch of cookies this week for someone whose husband is going on a prison ministry next weekend.  Maybe I’ll try those along with chocolate chip (of course) and snickerdoodles.  I was going to do chocolate crinkles, but they have some rule about no icing or powdered sugar.  I don’t think they’d be as good with no powdered sugar!

  2. mke813
    February 6, 2006

    You guys must have had a ton of food at the party and you were in charge of bringing a lot of it!
    What time do you normally get home from church?

  3. ch1pch0p
    February 6, 2006

    That does sound like a ton of food! Did you do anything else this weekend?

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