So I pretty much covered Hocking Hills in the last entry…so if you were just dying to know what we did, it’s there.
Once we got home, we had a bit of catching up to do from being gone for three days: papers on the porch, bring in the mail, empty the car and unpack a bit. I started some laundry, but didn’t get very far. We aren’t really out of anything yet, though, so it can take a while.
Eric got to work on one of our projects when we got home, and I helped him some (mostly cleaning up behind him!). Then I swept the floors and cleaned up the kitchen some. Eric went upstairs to take a shower, and I did the same when he was done. It felt good to be really clean again (and use conditioner in my hair again). The one really annoying part of the cabin was the smell of the water (quite nasty!), so it was nice to be able to breathe throughout the entire shower through my nose! I had started to master the art of not using my nose whenever the water was running in the cabin, but it got old quickly!
Anyway, then we went out to celebrate our 2-year anniversary. We went to Spageddies for dinner (which took an hour and a half because they were short staffed to begin with and then one of the chefs called off). But we were in no real hurry, so that was good. Unfortunately, I ordered my favorite dish there and the chicken was a bit blackened. But by then, I’d filled up on the fresh bread they bring you, so it was okay! We came home and watched March of the Penguins (which we’d gotten from Netflix and really needed to return). It’s really cute in a strange sort of way. The penguins are very funny to watch, and Morgan Freeman did the narration so that was a good addition. Then we pretty much went to bed. Boy was it nice to sleep in our own bed last night!
May 30, 2006
That does sound like a nice weekend. I’m ready to get away for awhile. I know it’s not the same once you have kids since you still have to take care of them and stick to their routine, but I’m still ready for a something a little different!
Sounds like a great 2-year anniversary. Keep up the celebrating! We stopped going away after 2 years, but still try to go out to dinner at least!
May 30, 2006
Glad you had a fun weekend!
I’ve wanted to see March of the Penguins ever since it came out, but I haven’t gotten around to it yet…
May 30, 2006
I’ve never heard of March of the Penguins…
We try to do huge things for our anniversary: 1) house, 2) hot tub, 3) Cancun, 4) Kyle was sick – we did nothing, 5) (this year) baby. What to do for our sixth…
May 30, 2006
sleeping in my own bed after I’ve been gone.