I’m SO annoyed that the casino amendment passed.
Bible study is really good this session. Learning to be a biblical wife. Nothing like a good, biblical explanation of submission to get the blood racing!
I realized last night that I’m slogging through a bit of a quagmire this week. I haven’t been good about taking my thoughts captive recently. My clutter is discouraging me, but my gumption to clean during the day is nil. I miss some friends I haven’t seen in a while. I miss thinking big thoughts. I want to read again, but I’ve had trouble focusing enough to do it. I need to kick my butt back into gear.
I’m glad you all haven’t left Xanga. I think it is worth the time (no matter how little time it can be spared). I miss the Xangals who have exited. Or maybe I just need more good friends IRL…
Have I mentioned how annoyed I am that casinos are legal in Ohio?
I need to make Christmas lists. Can’t believe it’s already (or getting really close) the holiday season, (which does include Thanksgiving in my world)!
The Christmas gifts I ordered for my nieces are done, and I’m going to pick them up today. Can’t wait to see them!!
I have to get a birthday gift for a 7-year old girl, and I have NO good ideas. Any suggestions?
Okay, that pretty much covers my thoughts for this morning. Happy Wednesday!
November 4, 2009
Hey Shannah! Who has exited other than Missy (and Terri)? I’m out of the loop, but plan to start writing again. Hope you find some energy today. I am equally annoyed to hear about the casinos!
November 4, 2009
I’m annoyed by the casino thing too…plus a few levy’s that passed…they are annoying me too.
I like Xanga too and am saddened that so many people have left. It used to really feel like a community of friends…now it’s just a skeleton of what it used to be.
November 4, 2009
I know a thing or two about 7 year old girls. Mine like books, books, books. Fun chapter books (Judy Moody, Clementine, Kate DiCamillo’s stuff). Mine like pretty notebooks with fancy pens. They like craft kits (beading bracelets or painting stuff). They like board games. We recently got Blokus, and they love it. And Clue Jr. is super-duper cute and fun. You also usually can’t go wrong around here with “real jewelry.” As in a necklace that is nice enough to wear out with real clothes. Or shoes (check with the mom to see if she could use them, and for size).
I hope that helps!
I was also bummed to see my home state voted that way on casinos. Boo.
November 4, 2009
I’m also bummed about casinos. Once it’s done, it’s done, right? As in, we can’t unvote it next year? probably not—since they’ll have to build them and everything.
I’m with you on paragraph 3! I don’t even no what to say to it except, you’re not alone & I hear ya!
My 7 y.o. neices currently LOVES stationery. She likes writing letters and sending them to family…maybe some stationery with stamps, too?
November 4, 2009
@filledeparis – Holly, I don’t think a lot of people have “officially” left with a specific reason, but a ton have stopped posting/commenting or drifted away over time. There are only about half a dozen people left on my list of friends who still post regularly.
November 4, 2009
Don’t fret too much about the casinos. Maryland passed them last year too (BOO), but there’s SO much red tape around them that it will still be years before they’re built. I agree with your concern… but there’s small relief in the fact that they won’t be popping up overnight. Also, don’t underestimate the power of local opposition. If two neighborhoods could reroute or literally stop dead. not one, but two MAJOR highways in Baltimore, I feel pretty certain that a passionate local organization could stop a casino from being built. It would take a lot of effort, but I bet it could be done… (I’m not kidding about the highways. One was rerouted miles out of the way to miss a neighborhood. The other (I-70) crosses the US and then comes to a literal dead stop at a park and ride about eight miles from downtown Baltimore. One very very active community group stopped it from being completed into the city, and the project has never been able to overcome that opposition. Despite the madness of it.)
For the gift… I would guess a nice art or craft kit (as opposed to one appropriate for a little kid) or a particularly cool science kit? But then, I was a really nerdy seven-year-old girl!
I loved Gail’s suggestions. I’m so awful buying for kids – having a resource like Gail is invaluable!!
November 4, 2009
@kellycohan – @gsowell – You’re right, having Gail around is invaluable (in so many ways)! Thanks for the suggestions!
@faithchick – I’m glad it’s not just me! And thanks for the stationery idea…so many good suggestions…now I have to pick one! That’s an entirely different problem!
November 4, 2009
I, too, was saddened that the casinos were voted in. It’s not like anyone has money to spend at them anyhow. So, instead of paying the bills, the money will go to ???(who knows what). Sad, sad, day.
I’m glad Gail was able to give so many suggestions. It got the rest of us off the hook!!!
November 4, 2009
My 8yo girl and my 7yo girl are completely different.
One likes paper, pens, books, office supplies, word games, card games, and the colors blue and green.
The other likes pink, purple, frilly, lacy, fancy, crazy, wild. Jewelry, purses, stuffed animals.
They both love craft supplies–markers, pom poms, glitter, bright paper, tape, googly eyes, pipe cleaners, etc.
November 4, 2009
Living in Las Vegas I will tell u one of the biggest fallacies about casinos – they always seem to use “education” as one of the reasons the casino would be a good thing – most people, would find if they closely investigated, that not nearly the amount of money they thought would have gone towards education ever goes there.
November 10, 2009
Unfortunately, people buy into the idea that casinos will bring in more tax money and don’t look at the damage they do in people’s lives.
As for the clutter, I have struggled with that issue in the past and have learned that getting it under control (not perfectly clean and neat) really aids in my mental state of mind.