I wish I had some super exciting post for today…but I don’t.
I wish Eric wasn’t going to be gone for 3 days next week…but he is.
I wish I had slept the entire night last night…but I didn’t.
I wish I had someone coming to hang out with us today, too…but it’s back to the norm for today.
I wish I had the gumption to do any of the chores on my chore list…but I don’t really care about my carpets or bathrooms this week.
I wish I had made it to the grocery before today…but it just wasn’t feasible.
I wish it would be sunny again…oh wait, it IS sunny today. Yippee!
I wish I could bottle the sounds of my babies playing, giggling and enjoying being together…but I will have to just keep it in my heart, I guess (’cause the video camera is never close when that happens, of course!).
I wish I could get to the post office today…but that isn’t likely to happen.
Oh well…I guess that’s why God tells us to focus on Him and not on what we “wish” was true of our lives.
Hope you all have a marvelous Thursday!
March 4, 2010
Just wanted you to know I was praying for you this morning. For your joy and cheer and overall zest for life. Nothing major. Just the little stuff. Hugs!
March 4, 2010
I have a list much like yours. But, it could be so much worse! I hope your day went well!!
March 5, 2010
I wish you good days and restful nights!