So I think we are finally moving past the low point that was most of last week.
Eric was gone from Monday morning to Wednesday night with his brother on a farm trip. His brother is planning to install robotic milkers in the next couple of years, so they visited a farm that has them together. It was good for them both, for sure.
For me, however, it was a pretty long hard week.
I got a cold from Alex over the previous weekend, and it just wiped me out. It wasn’t really a virus or the flu or anything. But what little reserves I had left between first trimester exhaustion and chasing babies was GONE. So that’s why I stayed for an extra day with my MIL, which both she and Eric were glad for.
I definitely felt a lot better by Wednesday and Thursday, but it took until yesterday to really feel “normal” again. Some of that was that our schedule didn’t let up much. We were pretty busy on Thursday (15-month checkup) and Friday (Moms group meeting for which I had volunteered to take an egg casserole). Then Saturday we had a party for my mom’s birthday in C-ville. Then Daylight Savings sucked an hour of my sleep away, and we had a social gathering for small group on Sunday.
So, today, after staying in bed until after 7:00 am for two mornings in a row…I am finally feeling a bit more like myself again. Which is nice. I’d sort of forgotten what “feeling like myself” felt like!
Oh – and as for the babies’ checkup last week, the doctor said they looked great. They are both on the small side (low 20th percentiles or so in weight). Alex was in the 15th percentile for height. I’m hoping for a growth spurt soon from him.
My mom told me that you can double a girl’s height at 18 months and a boy’s at 2 years for a close guess at how tall they will get as an adult. Erin is looking to be about my height or a little taller, but we’re hoping for about 5 inches from Alex in the next 9 months so he will be at least close to “normal” and not short like his momma’s side of the family. Hopefully, that isn’t just wishful thinking!
And now, I don’t really have much else to tell you today. So I guess I will just go back to playing with the babies before I put them down for a nap and go exercise. Happy Tuesday!
March 16, 2010
Glad you are feeling back to normal! That’s so important, especially when you have those two little cuties to take care of (and of course, perhaps the slow recovery had something to do with all the extra work your body is doing right now??)
March 16, 2010
Congratulations on the new baby! I missed your last post and in this one read “first trimester” so I had to go scanning.
Happy family!
March 16, 2010
@BoureeMusique – Thanks! And congrats on the new job!
March 16, 2010
Ahh, two mornings of “sleeping in!” Funny how sleeping in changes once you have kiddos. But oh, the difference it can make. Glad you’re finally feeling better! And can I just say, each time I think about that new baby you’re growing, I have to smile? Your family is growing – how wonderful!