I have been hoping for a moment of witty-ness to share with you today, but nothing is coming to mind. I guess this will just be a normal post. Oh well.
Eric took yesterday off because he was just too tired and felt bad. So he took a day to recover and play with babies. It was nice to have him home for the day. And I got to run a couple of errands, sans babies, during nap time. Yay!
My errands involved trying to find some clothes for my poor Alex, especially dress clothes for church. I have tons for Erin, but I really have to scrounge some days for the boy. And I hear that doesn’t get better as boys get older. Sigh.
But that unfairness also raises another issue…
Rant Warning
Why is it, I wondered on my errands yesterday, that as soon as March hits, children’s clothing goes from fleece to short-sleeves (for boys) and no sleeves (for girls) with no in between? Why is that?!? I mean, seriously, are girls not allowed to wear short-sleeved shirts? And why weren’t there even sweaters or jackets out for covering those bare arms? Who decides on these things?!? Why should my children freeze just because someone in NYC doesn’t have any common sense? Okay, I feel better now…
End Rant
We have discovered that Alex is a totally visual little guy. He will not make animal sounds back to a picture. But if the real thing is there…he can make the sound like a champ. If you are blowing bubbles, he can name them. But not if he’s looking only at the bottle of bubble stuff. Eric describes is as “his eyes outweigh his ears.” He’s such a boy.
My children have started experimenting with throwing things. We encouraged it when they were throwing balls. Now, however, they have moved up to books and other toys. It’s going to take some time, I think, to teach them that balls can be thrown, but nothing else. And in the meantime, the number of bruises they give each other may just go up.
I just had to pause in my blog to “rescue” Alex who had pulled my water cup off the bedside table, all over the floor and himself. He was pretty wet, poor guy. It’s not the first time this has happened. I may have to start using a capped water bottle for nighttime sipping.
Okay, I need to go dress my children who are currently running around in only diapers. Happy Tuesday!
March 30, 2010
I’m with you on the clothes rant! We’re still hanging on to probably-too-small winterwear clothes because it’s just not warm enough for short sleeves and we have nothing in between. Poor kid is wearing fewer and fewer shirts as he grows out of new ones weekly.
Not that any of that matters, as he’d much rather run around freezing and mostly naked.
March 30, 2010
@Marketer319 – That is true…both of mine seem happiest in diapers or less. *sigh*
March 30, 2010
YES to the rant. YES, yes, yes! I hate that Easter dress designers (and Christmas dress designers, too) think all children look best in sleeveless. Um, no. Give me some sleeves. For Sunrise Service, the temperature will probably be below 50. That is NOT tank top weather. But of course, I always can buy the matching sweater… GRRRR!
Funny story. One of my friends at church has a boy who is in 1st grade. He cried last Sunday because it wasn’t Easter yet. See, he wanted to wear his new clothes, particularly the tie. He’s very excited about a tie for church.
She found his cute church stuff at Children’s Place.
March 30, 2010
@gsowell – Children’s Place is just about the only place I’ve found good boy clothes. Especially dressy things. Thankfully, though, for the important dates (like Easter) I have a fantastic MIL who is a fantastic seamstress!!
March 30, 2010
We bought James’ little Easter suit (ok, totally overboard but it was sooo cute) at Burlington Coat Factory. They had TONS of cute stuff, reasonably priced for specialty kids clothes.
March 30, 2010
JC Penneys also usually has the little vest/pants/tie with coordinated shirts combos as well. Nothing creative, but it’s worked for Ian!
Speaking of Ian, he has been into throwing toys for quite some time. Books are a favorite and anything remotely close to round MUST be a ball, right?! Let me know if you figure out a good way to teach them the difference!! And even balls now… the kid can THROW, and when he walks up really closely to throw it to (read: at) you, you cover your face!
March 30, 2010
i hear ya. my favorite stop for the girls is kohl’s. they always have those tables full of jumping beans stuff that coordinates and has sleeves (not dressy stuff though.) And, for the little man–totally–last year at kohl’s there were 850 racks of dresses and ONE SIDE OF ONE RACK WITH 2 “church” outfit choices for boys. dumb. But, i do also enjoy the jumping bean’s polo shirts that I’ve found before.
March 31, 2010
I love your rants! They help me be prepared for my future possibly. If I ever have a girl…:)