…why my son has started getting awake between 5:30 and 6:00 am for a week or so.
…how to teach toddlers (16 months old) to come when they are called.
…why I can’t seem to get back into reading the way I used to be.
…when it’s going to stop getting cold altogether.
…why my husband still loves me even when he knows the real me.
…or, why, for that matter, God loves me as much as He does, too.
…whether or not those belt extenders for pregnant chicks really work.
…how to really start teaching my kids about God.
…why programs “for women” are not really helpful to me.
…why people put vague comments on other people’s FB pages that make those who “don’t know” wonder what’s going on in the lives of their friends.
…what is going on in your lives this week. Please post and let us all know!
I think that’s a good start on my wondering mind…happy Tuesday!
April 6, 2010
Well, you should be fairly well up-to-date on the stuff going on in our life this week.
We did start working with James last year on obeying commands to stop, turn around, and come. We wanted him to be good at them so when playing outside, he would obey if he got into a dangerous situation. At the very first we started with just asking him to come and giving effusive praise when he did. Then we added stopping, once he got the idea. If he didn’t do as asked, we’d go get him and bring him back over to where we were, with an explaination about how he needed to obey and stop/come when we told him to.
Once it became apparent (and all too quickly) that he was choosing to obey or not, he was given one warning that if he did not obey, he would get a spank. (We don’t spank for everything but because obeying in this case could mean danger, we made willful defiance about this a spankable offense.) That actually gave him three chances to obey – the original request, the repeat with a warning, and the third time to see what he’d choose. If he kept at it, we picked him up, gave him a light swat and explaination, and brought him back over to us. It took a few times but now all we have to do is remind him that if he doesn’t obey he will get a spank, and he’s pretty much always compliant.
How’s that for a long-winded explaination? But it worked for us!
April 6, 2010
Those are all good “wonderings”. I’m sure we could all ditto alot of them. As for teaching your little ones about God, you already are. Just continue to point them to Him and he’ll do the rest!
April 7, 2010
Why are programs “for women” not helpful for you? Thanks for the tip about biting. 🙂 I am with you about Facebook. Also, it annoys me when people comment about an engagement or pregnancy or other big news when the person themself hasn’t posted about it yet! It is not good Facebook etiquette people!
Today: Lunch with friends and a trip to WalMart. Bible Study tonight.Tomorrow: Walk with a friend and dinner with friends. Friday: Praying with a friend in the afternoon. Saturday: Bridal shower at 2
That is about it! 🙂
April 7, 2010
It is Spring Break here, so I have LOTS of stuff going with kiddos. I will post soon!
April 7, 2010
hi. 🙂
matt’s sis, her hubby & their 4 kiddos pulled out of our driveway 1 hour ago. they’ve been here since sunday–mucho fun…very busy!
I think teaching kids about God is something that you will (and probably do) just do without realizing it. I’m not saying that you don’t have to be deliberate…but there are things that just happen and aren’t planned. For instance, I can’t tell you how many thousand times we’ve stopped on the front porch after coming home from somewhere and looked up at the sky at the stars, while waiting for the front door to be unlocked. Looking at stars leads to, “who made those stars?” God did. Who made you? Do you know he loves you? Even more than I love you! etc, etc. it’s the little things like that throughout the days that I’m 100% certain set a strong foundation for deeper learning later.
Taking advantage of teachable moments–tiny moments–adds up!