Zoos and Fevers

So it’s been something of a busy week. We had a fairly normal day on Monday and Bible study on Tuesday.

Yesterday we met some friends in the Mother of Twins Club at the zoo for an Earth Day activity. Well, my kids were too little for the activity (a scavenger hunt), but we had a good time seeing animals and having lunch with friends.

Alex definitely loved the zoo. He thinks all animals are fantastic. He gasps, points, and says, “Pretty!” every time he gets a good look at one. At least, we think that word is, in fact, “pretty.” It’s our best guess, but whatever it is, it is a high praise (and too cute)!

Erin, on the other hand, loves looking at animals. But if they get too close…well, not so much. A duck waddled over to the bench we were using during snack time to see if we might drop anything (we didn’t), and apparently, the 2-3 feet between him and the stroller was NOT far enough for Erin. She cried and cried until I shooed him away (he pooped before leaving, dumb bird). Apparently, ducks are rabid, biting creatures in Erin’s world.

So we had a good time at the zoo, though it was a quick tour and I didn’t have the camera.

Unfortunately, the day sort of tanked after that.

After we got home, Erin’s slightly runny nose turned into a real illness. I realized, picking her up from a (very short) nap, that she was really hot. And since then, she’s had a fever (running 101-102), had a nose like a faucet, and was pretty fussy all evening. So, it appears we’ve developed a virus of some sort. She still had the fever this morning, but didn’t seem to feel quite so bad. We shall see how the rest of the day goes…

So while we were planning to go back to the zoo this morning to meet another friend, that was cancelled in favor of staying home and taking naps and cuddling and encouraging drinks and alternating every few hours between Tylenol and Motrin. Hopefully that will keep her fever in a mild range. Though if her fever goes much higher, I’m planning to call the doctor. But for now, I think it’s just a plain old virus and there’s nothing special to do until it leaves.

So anyway, that is our saga for this week. Hope your day is an un-virus-y one! Happy Thursday!

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1 Comment

  1. MomEdlund
    April 22, 2010

    Sorry about the cold. Since I’ve had it, I am much more sympathetic. I hope she feels better soon!

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