I’ve been pretty up-and-down recently. I’m sure pregnancy hormones are involved. And the heat. I don’t deal well with hot while pregnant (normally, I LOVE it). Anyway, here’s some recaps…
- I was grumpy at the end of last week. Annoyed at my husband (not his fault…I got over it). Snappy at my sister (we made up). But it was annoying me how easily set-off I was. Glad I’m better this week!
- Saturday we spent in C-ville. Eric helped my brother and dad hang new doors at my brother’s house (new front door, new french doors in back). Mom and I hung with babies all day. Good times.
- Except the part where Erin fell off an outdoor toy, landing on her head. I saw her hit. I seriously thought she’d broken her neck. Scared me big time.
- Thankfully, she seems fine. Thankfully, babies are almost insanely flexible.
- Sunday we hung out at home mostly. We took the babies for a walk. And I ran to WalMart while naps were (not) taken.
- Sadly, I also backed over my new (to me) stroller on my way to WalMart. Long story short, we don’t have much storage space in our garage left, and in the comings/goings of the weekend, it ended up behind the car. Which I forgot. Until I ran over it. Broken wheels and a bent frame. We may be able to salvage it for a while, but I think a new stroller will be necessary. And I really liked that stroller. I was REALLY bummed.
- Actually, it turned out I was really just emotionally wacked out yesterday. I spent much of the afternoon just a second from tears. I cried because I found stains in the laundry when it came out of the dryer. I cried because Eric didn’t seem to care that I ran over my stroller. I cried because I finally acknowledged how scared I was when Erin fell on Saturday. I cried because I’d been so mean and grumpy to the people that I cared about. I cried because I was lonely and empty and felt like a bad mommy and have felt really overwhelmed with mommy-stuff lately (so how can I handle another one in 4 months?!?), and just a lot of tears that apparently I needed to get out. By the end of the day, I felt better. After a good night’s sleep, I felt a lot better.
- And that brings us to today. So far, my nephew came for a few hours this morning (his babysitter’s son had a fever) and my parents picked him up from my house to take him home. My dad did some little repairs that may make the stroller usable again (not great, but usable). We played outside before it got too hot. The babies are taking an afternoon nap (here’s hoping it’s a long one!).
- And best of all, I put Erin’s hair up in two little sprouts on her head this morning, and they look a.dor.a.ble. Seriously. I will try to get a picture because it is too cute.
Happy Monday!
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May 24, 2010
And now you’ve made another pregnant woman cry, so you’re not alone. (((HUGS)))
May 24, 2010
i’m so sorry you had a rough weekend. (there must have been something in the air because my weekend (emotionally speaking) was horrible.) and that your stroller got squashed.
but, i’m excited about erin’s sprouts! that’s cooooooool!! I remember how excited i was when E1 had her first sprouts, so i cannot wait to see pictures!!!! 🙂
May 24, 2010
I’ve been praying for you, and I’ll keep doing so. I believe in a good cry once in a while. I totally understand the emotional roller coaster you described!
May 24, 2010
Darn those hormones! I know, I know, they’re important. But they’re miserable, too! Hope this week is a little more even. And a lot more enjoyable.
I was amazed that Will wasn’t hurt at all – just scared – when he fell down the stairs a few months ago. My heart practically jumped out of my chest. But he was fine. Thank God!
May 25, 2010
I am so sorry about your stroller. I hope today has been a better day!