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But in case you didn’t see it there…we’re having another girl!

The doctor said she’s 90% sure.  But either way, we have suitable clothes, so if she happens to turn out to be a boy, we’re covered.

I’ll be honest, I was just a touch disappointed.  I did sort of want a boy.  But that is mostly because I am a girl, and I know how easy it is to screw girls up.  In many ways, boys are just easier.  But, I’ll just have to trust that we need her, and she needs us.  And by the time she’s born, I won’t care at all.  I know this because I felt the same way about Erin at the 20 week ultrasound…and I wouldn’t trade her with a boy for the world!

Other than gender, she looks perfectly healthy with a clear, well-formed heart.  And she’s measuring perfectly for her development stage.  So we are thrilled about that news, of course!

And that is the update as I know it.  Happy Friday!

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  1. Oly16
    May 28, 2010

    yay! how exciting to have another girl!!   how many weeks along are you now?

  2. mtaviano
    May 28, 2010

    Congratulations!! Erin will love having a sister! (at least when she’s 25!) In my experience, God is super-capable of keeping a mom from screwing up her girls. 🙂

  3. mtaviano
    May 28, 2010

    p.s. I loooooove pictures of kids with tumbly, unruly hair.

  4. gsowell
    May 28, 2010

    Yay!  I’m partial to little girls!  God tends to know what He’s doing when He puts together a family.

  5. shannahhogue
    May 28, 2010

    @Oly16 – 20 weeks (21 tomorrow). Halfway there!

  6. Airdee26
    May 28, 2010

    congrats!  I would like another boy too but I’m sure another girl would be just as sweet!  I can’t believe you’re already halfway done 🙂  Woo Hoo!

  7. kellycohan
    May 28, 2010

    Oh, that’s wonderful, Shannah. I’m positive that this baby girl is going to bless your socks off.

  8. AdamMacsgirl
    May 29, 2010

    Yeah! I love my sister and Erin will love having one too. 🙂 

  9. mke813
    May 31, 2010


    Since you were comfortable with being honest, I hope you don’t mind me being a little honest. I am somewhat offended by this post. As a girl, as someone with three sisters, and as a mom of 3 girls. I love my mom and my sisters dearly and would hate to be without the relationships I have with them. And I have loved my daughters since the moment I knew they were growing in me. I just don’t like the way you make it sound like you’re going to have to take time to be okay with having a girl. Like you have to find a reason to like her where being a boy would be reason enough. I have thought about this all weekend before writing anything (and have deleted and retyped a number of times). I hope I came up with an okay way of saying it.

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