Since we had a very busy weekend, a full-out recap will take too long. And sadly, our camera is full, and I haven’t figured out how to post videos to Xanga yet. So you’ll just have to use your imaginations for now…
The Good Things
1. Eric was home Thursday-Monday. It was lovely! He got a ton of work done outside (mulching the front beds, trimming bushes, etc). He felt productive and loved hanging with us.
2. Our anniversary was Saturday. We went out together. Apparently, the 6th anniversary is traditionally the “iron anniversary” – so we bought a metal-framed stroller, a new kitchen knife, and saw Iron Man 2!
3. Last week was full of visits. My parents were here on Monday and Thursday. Eric’s mom came on Tuesday and Saturday. We had a party at my mom’s on Monday. It was all good.
4. I bought the babies 2 little inflatable baby pools for $1.99 each at Meijer. They are one ring high and just under 3 feet across. And they LOVE them. Oh how I wish I could show you all the video!
5. My son is all-boy. He is drawn like a magnet to dirt. He definitely needs a sandbox.
6. Erin loves riding the tricycles at my mom’s house (we have to push her on them). Again, I wish I could show you the video because the laughter just warms the heart!
7. There have been a number of thunderstorms around here recently. I thunderstorms!
8. I actually took the twins to the library yesterday, and we had a great time! I let them play in the kids area, looking at books and exploring. We will definitely be doing that again soon! Oh, and I got books, too. Also lovely!
The Lesser Things
1. Last night, I gave myself a steam-burn on my finger. It really hurt. It’s better today, but seriously, you should all avoid that happening to you, if possible.
2. My summer infestation of sugar ants started this weekend, right after we turned on the A/C. Seriously, I hate those things. But so far, I’m ahead of them. And it’s forcing me to keep my counters clean. (So maybe that part should go in the top section.)
3. I don’t know if this was true for any of you, but finding a girl name that I like is really, really hard. If you have any suggestions of names you’ve always loved (whether you used them or not), I am very open to suggestions. I realize we have 4 months, but we didn’t get the twins names until about 2 weeks before they were born. And it was Erin’s name that was the final hurdle there.
4. I’m in “boredom” mode again. It’s a cycle, I know. And I know the cure is to start committing myself to finishing, not just starting things. So, I’m re-reading Jane Eyre (one of my most favorite books) because I know I’ll finish it. And I’m purposely being better about going places and doing things again. Hopefully that will really get me moving again.
Okay, it sounds like naps are ending. And that is the update as I can remember it right now, anyway. Happy Wednesday!
June 2, 2010
sounds like it was a fun week/weekend of visiting.
i really liked girl names with a “v” during my third pregnancy. but then cole was a boy, not a girl, so i didnt use one. ava, evie, livi/olivia. oddly enough, it was way more difficult for me to come up with boy names (before we found out cole was a boy) then it was coming up with girl’s names. our pastor’s wife is pregnant with a girl right now, and is having a really tough time coming up with names, too. naming a kid is hard work!!! good luck!
June 2, 2010
I’ve always loved Hannah, but that’s probably off-limits given your own name
. I love reading about the simple and sublime pleasures in your life.
June 2, 2010
we had SUCH a hard time coming up with C’s name! Good luck to you!! I think you should narrow it down to being an I, O or U name so you can have all kids w/ vowels!
June 2, 2010
Our ants are back too. They seem to come with the first round of big thunderstorms down here. They’ve been more in our bathroom though (where the cat’s food is). Just a few at a time so far but still very annoying!!
I told you that we had trouble with girls names too. We liked Katelyn, but weren’t going to use it because it was so close to Kayla. However, we really couldn’t come up with another one we liked so we used it anyway!
If loving dirt is all-boy, then Sierra must have a bit of boy in her. (She did tell me she was a boy this morning because she was wearing her pajama pants but not her shirt). Give her a sandbox/area of dirt and she’s busy for awhile. Add in a little water (yes, even messier) and she’s in heaven!!!
June 2, 2010
wow! you were busy! Happy Belated anniversary! when you figure out how to post videos on here, let me know
i just got one of those new flip camcorder things so i have tons of video footage and haven’t posted any of it yet! As for baby girl names that is SOOOO hard! A fave of mine is Allison….if we have a girl I’m pushing for that name
June 2, 2010
@mke813 – I love that Sierra decided she was a boy based on the bottoms and no top. that is so cute and smart of her!
names are a topic of discussion often at our house and we don’t even have one on the way (or in the works for that matter!). Girls names one or both (usually just one!) or us like: Payton, Paige, Reagan, Colleen, Kira/Kyra, Cassie (which would probably be Cassandra or Carissa), Ella, Jane, Lenae (Lenee), Reilly/Rylie… the problem is that most of those are only preferred by one of us!
Ok sorry for the long list. At least it gives you something to think about. Also (although I’m sure you already know them both well) I like Baby Name Wizard and
June 2, 2010
Michelle, why does Sierra know about boys not wearing shirts?? Who is she hanging out with these days??
Turns out we have trouble with boy and girl names, mainly he likes boring, stupid names, and I like good names.
June 2, 2010
@ch1pch0p – Actually, you might be able to help with with the video thing. I made my movies in iMovie, but can’t figure out how to export it in a format that Xanga accepts…any ideas?
June 2, 2010
I like Peyton, Reegan, Sophia, and Tenley. My daughter is due in December and she doesn’t know what she is having yet but she can’t come up with any names boy or girl.
June 2, 2010
I always liked the name Saa for a girl, but could never convince Alan to use it. Then, his sister named their daughter Sara, so it was off the list. All the other girl names I liked we used!!
June 2, 2010
Eliza. I forgot about that name. That is one of my all time favorites. But I can’t ever use it because a) matt doesn’t love it and 2) it’s too much of a combo of my other E’s names! I think Alex, Erin & Eliza = ADORABLE. 🙂
June 3, 2010
@ch1pch0p – hahaha! thanks for the laugh.
We have a waaayyy harder time with boy names at the Cohan house. Do you know how many boy names do NOT go with “Cohan?” ANYWAY. I’m a super-fan of Lillian (Lily), but with a Will already, that’s out for us, so I think you should use it.
Just kidding. Sarah, Grace, Kate, Margaret (Meg) are my top picks. Although I’m thinking her name should be four letters to go with Alex and Erin. Maybe starting with another vowel? Ooh. That could be hard. 
June 3, 2010
@kellycohan – How about Iowa? Ohio? I think both are lovely names.
@shannahhogue – Okay, it’s been a whilei since I used it, but here’s how to export to a file you can play on xanga.
1. Have the project open in iMovie.
2. Go to Share > Export Using QuickTime
3. Export it to somewhere you’ll remember 😉
4. The Export field should read: Movie to QuickTime Movie
5. Once it’s finished saving, open your text editor/new blog on Xanga, and upload it to there. The file extension should now be .mov
Let me know if this doesn’t make sense!
June 5, 2010
That is so funny because I have a lot of girl names in my “bank” but not as many boy names for future children.! 🙂 Do you want it to start with E like Erin or not necessarily? What is your heritage (Irish, Scottish, etc.)? I am happy to work on this! 🙂