So the babies turned 18 months old last week. But this morning we had their well-visit appointment. It went very “well.”
Erin was not a fan of the doctor this time. It was like she remembered him and was less than happy that he was in the room with us. The funny thing is that he never does the “mean” things (ie, shots), so I’m not sure why she was so opposed to his presence. Oh well…
The doctor was, as usual, very helpful with information and ideas for where they are and what to expect. He agreed we aren’t ready to potty-train yet. And he recommended leaving them in cribs until 2 (unless they start pitching themselves out all of a sudden). I’m not sure whether we will do that or whether we will transition them to toddler beds before the new baby comes (so we can use one of the cribs for her!). I’m still torn about the best way to rearrange things to accommodate NLS (new little sister). I guess we have some time yet, though, so we shall see where things go…
Anyway, as for an update, they are both 31.5 inches long. Alex is still a pound heavier (23+ to Erin’s 22+). And that pound still feels like 4 pounds when you pick them up. They way they eat, I was expecting much closer to 25 lbs. each, but hey, I guess that means I’m not over-feeding them!
As for percentiles, they’re both pretty small. Erin’s height puts her at 42nd percentile. But other than that, they’re less than 20% for weight. And Alex is about 25th percentile in height. It would seem Erin did more growing than Alex this time, but I have heard that boys do more growth than girls during the 18-24 month range. So we shall see how things stand in December!
(Yikes…I just realized I left without scheduling a 2-year appointment. Dang it! I hate having to remember to call them to schedule. I should do that soon, though, so I don’t forget.)
I’m not sure if I have a lot of other new 18 month old updates. Here’s what I can think of –
– They are loving to walk places, holding our hands (instead of using the stroller). I have to admit…I like it, too!
– Erin’s new word is “potty.” This usually is referring to me going to the bathroom, but I figure giving her some vocab related to potty-training is a good place to start.
– They are learning to eat “with forks.” Mostly this looks like them holding a fork in one hand and eating with their other hand as usual. But sometimes, the whole spoon/fork – to food – to mouth thing actually works. And so far, we haven’t gotten too messy in the process!
– Alex has stopped sleeping well at night again over the weekend. I think we’re just over-tired. And he usually doesn’t require my presence to settle back down. But it’s never fun to be awakened 1-2 times in the night, so I hope he gets back to good sleep soon!
– Yesterday, at my parents’ house, Alex was LOVING the slide. He liked to go down on his stomach, feet-first. He couldn’t get enough. The boy has no fear…it’s really fun to watch!
And I guess that’s about it…have a happy Monday!
June 14, 2010
Jason remembers Dr. L, too. And cries a lot. Also, I don’t think they let you schedule that far out, usually they only let me go like 3 months ahead, so I’m always having to call and schedule.
June 14, 2010
how are they 18 month old already?! kids should have a pause or a slow motion button built in-they grow up way too fast!
June 14, 2010
Poor babies at the doctor! I don’t think you should make them go anymore! 😉
June 14, 2010
I would keep ’em in cribs as long as possible, but that’s just me. It’s SOOO nice not to have to worry about them getting out of bed by themselves.
We transitioned Shiphrah to a toddler bed when she was about 2 yrs 3 months and we could have left her in the crib even longer (she’s never been one to try to climb out of anything). And Kirk is so short that we’ll probably be able to leave him in the crib until he’s at least 2 also. Yeah, it means buying another crib, but my sanity is worth it. 
June 15, 2010
I haven’t been on xanga in awhile and was just reading through. Love the pictures of your kiddos haircuts. They are both adorable!
June 15, 2010
From the photos you’ve been posting lately, it looks to me like Alex and Erin are exactly the right size.
They’re amazing… and like Sarah, I can hardly believe they’re 18 months. I know it’s right, though, because my own Monster is 16 months… sheesh!
Any developments on the name for the NLS? You didn’t announce Alex and Erin’s until after they were born, did you? I can’t recall. Will you share the new baby’s name once you decide on it, or wait until after she’s born?
June 15, 2010
@kellycohan – No new developments for NLS’s name…still just reading through lists going “nope…nope…nope…nope…” Don’t know whether we’ll announce it or not when/if we do figure it out. But I promise I’ll tell you when she’s born at the absolute latest.
June 15, 2010
Ahhh, the crying at doctor’s appointments…I really don’t miss it! But, they do outgrow it eventually!
June 15, 2010
Happy 18 months old little ones. we have ours on Friday! Sounds like they are doing great! Hope you are well and pregnancy is going ok!