We went to a sprinkler park in Dublin (the Bunny Park, for all who know) yesterday for the first time. I got lost on the way there (Google Maps gave less than stellar directions), but thankfully, Karen helped me figure out how to find the place.
Alex thought it was the best-est place on earth. He splashed and tried to catch the fountains when they disappeared. He loved the waterfalls and drinking out of the sprays, then wiping his face off and doing it again. He made sure he could always see me, but he was having a blast!
Erin, well, not so much. It was pretty full, and commotion tends to overwhelm her easily. It was loud, too, from the sound of rushing water and the spray jets. And she hates loud noises. And we skipped morning nap to go, so she was pretty tired. Which meant that I held her for most of the time we were there. I did coax her to stand on her own a couple of times, but inevitably, some bigger kids would go barreling by and splash her in the face, and she’d melt down again.
So we were 1-for-2 at the Bunny Park, but I still consider it a successful venture. After all, we made it out of the house. We went to a park. And I actually and intentionally went to a gathering of twin mommies I didn’t know (this is somewhat hard for me, you might be surprised to know).
And I learned a couple of things…
1. I need to start taking my kids to more places where other kids are. They may still be too young to play with the kids, but they need to spend time around kids other than just each other.
2. It is really hard to take twins (at this age) out to a place like that by myself. We can do stores pretty easily. But parks and social gatherings are very tiring for me. I need to do it more so we all get better at it, but yesterday, I came home pretty darn beat!
So anyway, that was our adventure for yesterday. Today, the adventure is going to be limited to laundry. Exciting, I know. But mommy is running out of shirts to wear! So happy Thursday!!
June 17, 2010
Those bunnies are C-R-E-E-P-Y. 🙂
June 17, 2010
I dread going places (people’s houses, events, etc.) that aren’t childproofed/don’t have childcare. I hope Will enjoys it, because it wipes me out, and I can’t talk to anyone because I’m too busy chasing Will down and keeping him from banging on their screen door/tasting their dog food/grabbing their phone off the end table/etc. And I only have one!!
June 17, 2010
I see why you are exhausted, after going to a super fun, hectic place like that by yourself when you’re pregnant! Whew! Makes me tired just thinking about it! Totally sounds fun though
Enjoy your day of laundry! I have to tackle some of that too!
June 17, 2010
Why is it that down South where it’s actually HOT 10 months out of the year, we have NO splash parks like that??? It just seems wrong to me.
June 17, 2010
We’ve been wanting to go there but I don’t know how to get there. I found it once (on accident…without any kids) but have no idea how to get back there 🙂