So we were going to have a playdate this morning, but our friends needed to reschedule. So I’m on my own for the day. I wonder what we will do…
The weekend was good.
We left late Friday afternoon for the farm and stayed until Sunday night. My MIL had created a great sandbox and had gotten a small slide and baby pool. The twins loved them all. Alex loved getting buried in the sand, and Erin even figured out how to use the slide by herself. I got some great pictures (will post later)!
The hardest part of the weekend was that there is no AC at the farm. So I was hot and sticky for 2 full days. And being now about 7 months pregnant…well, that was less than exciting on my part. It was especially hard at night. I can typically deal better than I did…but I just can’t deal with heat and humidity as well when I’m expecting. Oh well…we survived!
The twins also weren’t sleeping so well this weekend. I’m going to blame the excitement, the playing outside a lot, plus the heat. They were getting tired enough that they were starting be cranky, and for them, that is unusual. So it was a little stressful for me in that regard, too. But we all survived that as well…
We had a big family gathering on Sunday which was fun. Almost all of Eric’s family on both sides made it. And of course the food was yummy! So, good times!
Coming home had been left a bit up in the air. We had planned on Sunday night, leaving Monday as an option. But it became pretty obvious that Sunday would be best. So we left about 8:0 on Sunday evening. The twins slept most of the way home and then woke up just before we arrived, which worked out perfectly because we could then put them into their jammies and do their regular routine for bed, even if it was at 9:30 at night. And they slept like rocks.
Yesterday, Eric was off from work, so we just hung out at home (in the AC!). I did nothing of value, really. I should have done some laundry and such, but I decided I needed the rest, too. The babies took two naps (2 hours in the morning, 3 in the afternoon) and went to bed happily about 8:00 pm. And Eric got to do a bunch of work on a project he’s been needing to work on for his brother. So all in all, a very nice, relaxing day.
Which brings me back to today and our now open schedule. Still too hot out to go be outside (zoo or park), but maybe we’ll go to storytime at the library. Or maybe we’ll do a second day of good naps. We shall see…
Happy Tuesday!
July 6, 2010
Sorry about your change of plans. Oh, I wish j could have played at the farm with all the toys…it sounds like the twins had a blast. I can’t wait to see their pictures!
July 6, 2010
Except for the heat, it sounds like a very successful trip to the farm! I don’t handle heat as well as I used to either. I’m not sure the reason…maybe I’m just spoiled!!
July 6, 2010
Wow, you’re already 7 months along?? Time is really flying!!
July 6, 2010
I was going to write exactly what averyswife did.
Flies when you’re having fun, spending time with loved ones, and doing work you think is good.
July 6, 2010
I truly cannot imagine sleeping without air conditioning right now. Even with the AC on, it’s close to 80 degrees in here (I will NOT be cooking tomorrow if this continues like it’s supposed to)!
I love lazy days at home.