There was an ad on the side of my homepage with Homestar Runner and Strong Bad on it. I haven’t seen or thought of these characters for probably years. So it was odd to see them there.
Which reminds me of…some other things I’ve been recently reminded of that I had forgotten about:
- Old Cartoons (Herself the Elf, DuckTales, Tale Spin, and Captain Caveman, for example)
- 3-2-1 Contact
- Double Dare (hosted by Marc Summers who now produces/hosts on Food Network)
- Puffy stickers
- The TGIF Friday-night lineup on ABC
- Yan Can Cook (it was a staple of my parents’ Saturday morning lineup)
- Whistle Pops
- Triangle-shaped pencil grips (this is not a good memory for me thanks to my 2nd grade teacher, Mrs. Gathany)
- Fortune Telling (MASH: Mansion/Apartment/Shack/House…or the origami method)
Okay, so that is just a few of mine. Anything else come to mind when you read my list?
Happy Thursday!
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July 29, 2010
Hahaha!! I remember ALL of those, but the one that I totally forgot about? PUFFY STICKERS! That’s awesome.
July 29, 2010
No way. Double Dare was the BOMB!! The obstacle course at the end?!?? With the Sundae Slide?!?! ARE YOU KIDDING ME? I would still give anything to be on that show!
And what about slap bracelets? Hello Kitty? Those charm necklaces with all the plastic charms? Jams (the shorts)? Leg warmers? And (I’m getting a little newer here) those Sam & Libby ballet flats that everyone had to have? Ahh. The beauty of trends.
What was on the TGIF Friday night lineup? We totally used to watch that, but I can’t recall the shows!
July 29, 2010
Friendship bracelets!
July 29, 2010
Kool-Aid Squeeze-its that you had to twist the top off your own plastic bottle? They were actually disgusting but we loved them!
@kellycohan – The TGIF lineup was something like Full House, Family Matters, Boy Meets World and Fresh Prince, wasn’t it?
July 29, 2010
@kellycohan – totally was thinking of slap bracelets…..oh and what about side pony tails and super sky high bangs and perms
The TGIF line up was like Full House, Family Matters (Steve Erkle), Hangin with Mr. Cooper, etc. Classics!
July 30, 2010
@Marketer319 – No Fresh Prince was Monday nights, I think. The fourth show on TGIF varied… I remember Step by Step at one point.
July 30, 2010
@ch1pch0p – Step by Step! That’s right! Duuuuuude.
August 1, 2010
whistle pops reminded me of Lifesaver pops, which I tried to find several years ago and couldn’t. They were like cream savers, swirly colors in a livesaver shape on a stick. Mmmm.