The Sunday of Labor Day weekend we had a party for my dad’s 60th birthday. I mentioned this. I also mentioned that Alex was constipated and pretty cranky that day. At moments, it really wasn’t pretty.
But we gave him some Milk of Magnesia that night, and later the next day, he managed to, shall we say, clear some of what was plugging him up. Problem solved.
Or so I thought.
As we got to the end of last week, though, I realized that Alex hadn’t had another “real” poop all week. Some little “turd-lettes” as Eric calls them. But nothing significant. And he hadn’t been eating as well as normal. And he was waking up fussy 2-3 times at night. In fact, for the last few days, he was up between 5:30 and 6:00 am. I’d get him back down for an hour or so, but our mornings were starting way to early!
Then, it struck me that perhaps the problem wasn’t totally resolved. Yes, I know, it took me days to put all the pieces together. But hey, I finally got it.
So I gave him Milk of Mag. again yesterday before nap and again at bedtime. When we were playing after dinner, the poor little guy started to be obviously uncomfortable. He’d grunt and work for a bit, then get fussy and come running to one of us. We kept him entertained and told him to keep trying. Finally, we started to smell something. It wasn’t a sweet smell, either. And sure enough, right before bed, he managed to finally get out what was bothering him.
And he slept all night. And so did I. Lovely!
So I may give him the M.o.Mag. again today just to make sure we don’t repeat this episode next weekend. And hopefully, we can move past this. No pun intended.
Poor little guy!
September 14, 2010
Poor kiddo! Hope he’s on the mend.
September 14, 2010
It’s awful when they’re so small and you know they’re uncomfortable like that.
James has bouts of constipation as well and we usually give him a half dose of Miralax in his milk. It’s the over-the-counter powder laxative(white bottle with purple cap) that dissolves completely in liquid. Always gets him going without a big blowout, just softens everything up so it moves again.
September 14, 2010
@filledeparis – we had another diaper filled this morning already…so I think we may have things moving again. shwew!
@Marketer319 – I’ve not tried that, but I’ll keep it in mind. Definitely the ‘softening’ effect is all I’m going for!
September 14, 2010
Poor little guy! I know what I feel like when that happens. I hope this doesn’t become a regular… or should I say irregular thing!
September 14, 2010
Sometimes I kinda wish I had that problem with my munchkins…they definitely do NOT have a problem pooping.
Their doctor keeps telling me loose is better than the alternative, but when they’re filling diapers four times a day and starting to get bad diaper rash, sometimes I long for a little constipation.
September 15, 2010
@averyswife – Actually, that is Erin’s problem. She never stops up, but man, what that child can put in a diaper is just incredible sometimes!
September 16, 2010
“Turd-lettes” – HA!
September 16, 2010
Poor guy! My nephew used to get like that. My sister found that giving him a juice glass of prune juice every morning with breakfast is a really great natural way to help him. As long as he drinks his prune juice every morning he doesn’t have so much trouble, but as soon as he misses it (even just 1 day) he has all sorts of problems. Good luck!!