So I had my 37-week appointment today. Nothing much to report. No progress from last week, but she’s still head-down, still happily moving around.
Looks like the current plan is to give her every chance to come by herself. My last already-scheduled appointment is the day before my due date. So if I’m still not moving forward, we’ll schedule a c-section for the end of the following week, giving her a few more days to come on her own.
Of course, I’m seriously hoping she won’t just hang around, but really, we’re really only 37 weeks, so anything can happen between then and now.
And that’s the update!
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September 23, 2010
You’ll schedule a c-section if you’re late? Can’t do an induced vbac?
September 23, 2010
@ch1pch0p – They will not induce for a vbac. Want to make sure the the uterus can tolerate the contractions before adding oomph (ie pitocin). So it’s either labor or c-section for me!