So I’m going to blog about Megan and the twins and some of the fun things that have been happening around here in the last week or so. But before I do, I’m going to fill you in on the not-so-fun stuff because it’s been way more intrusive. And I think we’ve crested the hill of the bad stuff while the good stuff should just keep on going…
Anyway, here’s the tale of my woes:
First of all, I have to say that my recovery has been pretty good, overall. Except for the hemorrhoids. I’ve had them for years, and I knew a vaginal birth would irritate them something fierce. And I was right. But while the rest of my body has steadily improved every day, the backside of my backside has not. Not even a little. But, well, I didn’t exactly know what a ‘normal’ recovery was, so I just put up with it and sat on an inflatable donut as much as possible.
Turns out…it was not a normal recovery.
The doctor’s office called Tuesday for their routine “just checking in” phone call. How was I doing? Really fine, except for the hemorrhoids. Good, bleeding is slowing down? Yep. Good, no trouble with postpartum depression? Um…nope. Just a minor meltdown when my mom went home. Good. Any other questions for me? Just about the hemorrhoids. When should I be concerned about them? Well, you’re probably just going to have to wait them out (rattles off the “how to treat hemorrhoids” list again), but as long as they aren’t purple… Oh. I’ve got a purple one. A big purple one.
So, they squeezed me in yesterday morning to have the doctor check on them. Apparently, I wasn’t acting enough distressed because they kept saying things like “if they’re only ‘this’ big, they probably aren’t a big deal” and so forth. Then my doctor looked. And her response…”Oh, that’s a doozy!” Then she got things moving. They called their rectal partners to see if I could be seen yesterday (“since I’d hate to have to send you to the ER” ). They got me an appointment in Westerville. All within about 10 minutes of her first look. And the whole time I was just thinking, “Okay, so I was not imagining things…good to know”!
So, the appointment was made for 3:00 yesterday afternoon. My mom came up and drove me. I was easily the youngest person waiting for treatment! And the very nice lady doctor did an excision of the thrombozed hemorrhoid before I left the office. I won’t go into details about the procedure, unless you really want to know. But it was short, not pain-free, but, hopefully, has put me on the road to full recovery…finally!
Of course, then I got home. And the numbing medicine wore off. And it hurt. A LOT. And it was a rawer pain than I’d been dealing with. And after days of pain, I just couldn’t deal anymore. I pretty much melted into a puddle on the couch for a while, wondering how I was ever going to survive that kind of discomfort in that particular area for even a few more days.
And that’s when SuperDad showed up. See, I didn’t realize that I had married SuperDad. His mild-mannered alter ego is a techno-loving, slightly nerdy, witty scientist. But underneath that deceptively normal exterior, it would seem that a hero lurked.
After manning all three kids while I was at my appointment, Eric took care of me, took care of the twins, got dinner, played with them (I hung out in a chair with Megan while they played around me), did jammies and brushing teeth and bedtime prayers. I made it in to say good night. Then he cleaned the kitchen and tidied the living room. But I didn’t do much of anything else all night. And I went to bed at about 8:30.
Then this morning, Eric has pretty much run the house. Deciding on breakfasts, getting dressed, entertaining the twins, generally making decisions about everything – all him. And he’s already out with the twins. He took them over to a metro park to play on a small playground while I showered and took it easy some more. Yep…he’s amazed even me this morning. And all I know is that I would not have survived this week, and especially the last two days, without him. He’s just down-right awesome, even if he does think jello is a dessert.
Oh…and the other thing I learned over the last two days…I can finally (and correctly) spell hemorrhoids.
October 14, 2010
Oh man! Post-partum healing is hard enough without any added pain. I’m so sorry! And grateful that they were able to get you in and deal with it quickly. Here’s hoping that’s your only “added” ailment in the recovery process!
October 14, 2010
Praying that you feel beter fast, Shannah! So glad that Eric is such a help!
October 14, 2010
Praying you heal quickly and as painlessly as possible. What a wonderful husband you have, that is awesome.
October 14, 2010
I’ve had hemorrhoids since Nina was born almost 5 years ago, and in the past few months, they’ve gotten a lot worse (boo!), so I feel your pain! (have never checked to see if they’re purple though–but they always simmer down after awhile, so I’ve never called the doc)
You wanted to know all that, right? 😉
October 14, 2010
ouch!! you poor thing!! thank goodness for super dad!!!
October 15, 2010
I find it amusingly ironic that you wrote about hemorrhoids (and I had to glance at your title to see how to spell them) when I just mentioned to my husband that I thought I was doomed to have them for the rest of my life.
I got them with every pregnancy and this time they never went away. Thankfully they don’t bother me much (except for those awful 4 weeks post-partum) but OH SO annoying and gross. *Sigh* Relieved to know I’m not the only one though!!
October 15, 2010
Oh, I will say this: I think when you have an epidural, the vaginal birth aggravates the hemorrhoids worse than if you go med-free. Something to do with the pushing not being natural since you can’t really feel what you’re doing (plus you don’t hardly have to push when it’s all-natural…your body pushes for you). I know my hemorrhoids hurt a HECK OF A LOT more with my first two births (epidurals) than with my third (no meds).
Just a hypothesis though.
October 15, 2010
oh, girl. wow. what an adventure. no wonder you hit your wall!! i hope everything is on the upswing now…no doubt these first several weeks will probably been exhausting & draining…but you can do it!!