So life as a family of five has been a pretty interesting transition. Of course, the kids are doing really well. And as I heal, things are starting to look more and more do-able. Thankfully, despite a couple of discipline episodes, today is going pretty well. So I thought I’d just do a quick blog about life as it has settled down a bit…
- This child gets violent hiccups. Really…I’m pretty sure her diaphragm is trying to jump out of her throat at times. It’s crazy!
- She is pretty laid back. Having her siblings up in her face doesn’t bother her. She really only fusses if she needs something. So far…a low-key kid = one thankful momma!
- She’s sleeping and eating really well. Nursing one is SOOO much better than two. I’m finally starting to understand why people would like to breastfeed. With the twins, I was glad I could do it, but it wasn’t at all, shall we say, a bonding experience. This time, it’s much more intimate. It’s nice.
- She absolutely loves her daddy (and the feeling is mutual). She sits on his lap while he talks to her and just stares at his face. It’s too cute!
- This child is a bear to burp. She has the amount of gas that Erin manages (which is a LOT), but is hard to burp like Alex was. We’re still figuring that part out. But thankfully, breastmilk makes spit-up and poop that washes out easily. So that makes life much easier on me!
Alex and Erin
- They ADORE Megan. Really. So far, no jealousy or frustrations with her presence. They ask about her, look for her, want to be near her. They think we got her just for them. At least for now, that is a great thing.
- Erin does like to help with Megan some. She gets the wipes for me and makes sure I know when Megan is fussing. And she wants to “do” things for Megan, like turn on the bouncy seat’s buzzer. If I turn the buzzer off, she comes right back and turns in on again. And she likes to watch me feed her. Her new favorite word is “boobies” – which I can’t wait to hear her announce in the grocery store sometime. Or not…
- Alex likes to give Megan “kisses” – which for Alex is a very gentle bump of foreheads. He also likes to sit and watch her. Sometimes, you’ll come into the living room to find him sitting at her feet in the bouncy seat just watching. And if you interrupt him, he stops and finds something else to do. He’s a sweet little guy.
- Erin occasionally gets into a little temper (which she inherited from me, I’ll admit freely!) and starts just knocking things over and shoving toys around. It would be funny except for the scowl on her face. I try to respond to those episodes with a little direct attention which has worked so far. It’ll be interesting to see if those escalate into full-blown tantrums before too long.
- But overall, the twins are adjusting pretty well. The number of discipline issues has gone up (and we’re still trying to find effective responses), but as they are 22 months, that is not necessarily related to Megan’s arrival. We are definitely developing a couple of serious cases of the ‘terrible two’s’! Hopefully we can put off big-kid beds and potty-training for a couple more months, at least. Maybe in January, I’ll be ready to face those transitions!
- It was really great to have him home for most of last week. The twins, especially Alex, ate up his attention. They went to parks and played outside while I sat on my donut. Really, he took good care of all of us. I’m really thankful for him.
- He’s a big fan of sitting with Megan when I need to attend to the twins. He’s also really good at burping her. So that comes in handy a lot, too!
And finally, Me
- I’m finally starting to make real progress with healing. I’m still needing some ibuprofen through the day, but most of the time, I feel pretty good.
- The hardest part is not overdoing just because I feel better. It’s hard to be okay with how bad my house looks most of the time, and how sticky my kitchen floor is, but in a week or two, I’m sure I’ll start to get ahead again. Just need to learn to give it time.
- I am amazed at how much laundry Megan has added to our lives. Seriously…it’s crazy!
- Finding a good balance of paying attention to the twins while still getting things done and still getting Megan attended to is a hard thing. But sometimes just finding times to include them while I feed Megan is enough. Or sitting down to watch TV or color with them before Megan needs something has worked, too. It’s a learning curve, I guess. But we’ll figure it out. One day at a time.
- Last night, I read the story of Jesus feeding the five thousand in John, and it was like God put it in just for me. I needed the reminder that what seems impossible (like surviving these days on my own) to me is really just an opportunity for God to do something amazing for and through me. And the 12 baskets of leftovers was such an encouragement. Jesus didn’t just give those people enough to eat. He gave them more than enough. It was a promise I took to heart and claimed again this morning. Learning to parent from his abundance instead of out of my own (less than sufficient) strength is a daily thing, I know. But that perspective has helped me a lot today. I’m grateful for his influence in my life.
And that is where we are, for now. It’s quite an adventure, and I still feel a step behind sometimes. But I guess that’s what builds a family…learning to do life together, one day at a time. So…here’s to our family of five!
Happy Tuesday!
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October 19, 2010
I LOVE THIS!!! i love the pictures!! i loooooove the picture of all five of you! I cracked up when you said that they went to play outside while you sat on your donut.
I was also wondering about breastfeeding–so i’m glad to hear that it’s going well.
you’ve probably tried every trick in the book, but just in case…one of my favorite burping tricks with E2 was to lay his lower belly on my right knee and his cheek on my left knee with his belly kinda in the valley between my legs and then start patting. It worked like a charm–and quick!–every time!
speaking of terrible twos… i have a frustrating five begging me for attention right this second.
October 19, 2010
You are the cutest family ever! I love the way Alex “kisses.” I’m going to have to steal that one.
October 19, 2010
It sounds like you guys are doing a great job of parenting. The time demands on Mom can be overwhelming; I hope you can stay healthy. Your kids are beautiful, and seem to have sweet personalities.
For me, the biggest revelation about “discipline” was that it had a lot more to do with me developing consistency and us establishing a schedule of activities for the kids than it did with trying to keep them from misbehaving. My kids were happiest when they knew what they should be doing and what they had to look forward to. They were most unpleasant when their boundaries and schedule were fuzzy. Since I’ve always been laid back and disorganized, that didn’t come naturally to me.
October 19, 2010
glad to hear the update and that things are going well. Cute pics too!
October 19, 2010
What an awesome family you have, Glad things are going so well & you are on the mend. I know what you mean by violent hiccups, my son is 3 months and does the same thing still. It all started in the womb.
Keep us updated & take care of yourself.
October 19, 2010
Loooove the family pics!! You guys look ADORABLE!!
October 19, 2010
sorry in advance for a lame comment, but I wanted to say hi, and i love you, and i get it, and you all look (and sound) as if you’re adjusting right on schedule! keep on it!
October 19, 2010
Roadkill Spatula recommended your post so I came to read it. You are and will be a busy momma for awhile. I raised 7, but no twins. Blessings.
October 19, 2010
Aw, cute photos! Nice update!
October 19, 2010
love the pics!
October 20, 2010
Your little one is so cute! And, so are the other two. I can’t believe how blonde the older two have become! The pictures are awesome. I’m glad you’re all adjusting well!keep hanging in there!
October 22, 2010
Loved the pictures of your adorable family of five!!
October 26, 2010
Shannah, this is my favorite post in like forever from you. You sound like you’re tired, but glowing. Your family is amazingly beautiful, and I’m so glad you’re finding your routine and what works with three short people. And I have to confess that your post made me eager to work on a little brother/sister for Will!