I really need to be heading to bed. So this will be fast and in bullets…
- Megan is really growing. She’s getting cuter all the time and is definitely losing that “newborn” look. She makes really funny faces. Her sad face has one of the best pouty lower lips I’ve seen on someone not in a theatre class.
- Erin is getting more and more verbal by the day. I have to really watch what I say around her now. Which is not an easy thing for me. I should’ve started that earlier, I guess! She just recently added the “g” sound to the front of ‘grandma.’ One day it was “mamaw” and the next there was a ‘g’ sound. Crazy! Oh, and I’m pretty sure she can count to three. Sort of.
- Alex is such a boy. He loves sticks. Loves them. He is a collector, and we pretty much have to take a bucket on every walk or we’ll never be able to hold all the stuff he picks up. He loves to climb and run. And he’s getting better with his words every day. Sometimes he even throws one in that I didn’t know he knew. I think he’s holding out on me, to be honest.
- Now if we could just get past the two-year molars, we’d be all set.
- I’m tired. And it’s really hard on me that I can’t get much done other than manning the children during the day. It makes me feel a bit tense to have my house in such disarray all the time. I guess it’ll get better one day at a time. But still, it’s hard for me to be okay with it.
- And I’m not sure I’m really doing such a great job switching between mothering newborn-style and toddler-style. Again, I’m sure it just takes time. But I really have no idea what I’m doing. And I don’t like that either.
- I can’t believe it’s already November. And the next couple of weeks are really full already. I’m tired just looking at our calendar.
- Actually, our weekends until Christmas are already almost entirely filled up. Yikes! How does that always happen?
Anyway, I think that’s about all I have off the top of my head. I’m sure there’s more. But you know…I still need to go to bed. So…Happy Tuesday!
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November 3, 2010
Thanks for the update. I can’t imagine being in your shoes with 3 little ones running around. You must be exhausted. Hoping you all get past those molars soon! Have a great week.
November 3, 2010
Mothering toddlers and babies isn’t so hard…you just do different things with each one. Enjoy them!!
November 3, 2010
It took me about two months to adjust to mothering THREE kids. And then another month to get a handle on being a wife and housekeeper AND mom. But now that nearly four months have gone by, I think I’ve finally got it.
You’ll get there!
November 4, 2010
I don’t understand why it’s so hard! Doesn’t everyone have a house husband around to take care of such things?!
November 4, 2010
Oh, and also, please NEVER mention to my husband that I said that!!!
November 4, 2010
@trishlrich – Of course…a house husband! Better than a nanny and a housekeeping service, and certainly a lot cheaper! I’ll have to work on getting myself one of those…
And of course, my lips are sealed…though may have to bribe your sisters into silence…