Happy Cyber-Monday to you all!
I did not go out on Black Friday, though I was tempted to. So I did go out on Saturday, without children, for an hour or two. I went to FOUR stores because I could run in and out so easily. It was lovely.
I am getting a lot of Christmas shopping done already. Not sure why I’m so motivated this year, but hey, I’m just gonna roll with it. I think I’ve found the perfect gifts for the twins for Christmas, too, so that’s really fun. I think they’ll enjoy the craziness of presents more this year than last…it should be fun to watch!
We had a good Thanksgiving. We did spend the night at my parents’ house on Wednesday night. Unfortunately, Megan got really congested in the middle of the night. And she was sleeping in our room, so we didn’t get a lot of sleep that night. (On a side bar, I have no idea why some people just really WANT to sleep their newborn/infant in the room with them…they make SO much noise even when they aren’t congested. And when they are…the noises are even worse. It’s just crazy to me… Okay, side bar is over.)
But it was fun to get the twins up and just hang with my parents on Thanksgiving morning. My mom and I got stuff ready for the party, and people started arriving at midday. We had a lot of fun talking with my cousins and watching the kids play. Really, I think the day was a good success, overall!
Oh, a funny story…on Tuesday night, I finally got to Carters to buy fleece jammies for the kids. So they wore a pair at my parents’ house on Wednesday night. When I went in to get them up on Thanksgiving, Erin was standing in her pack n play with her jammies around her ankles. She’d gotten them unsnapped and unzipped all by herself. She was very proud of herself. I, on the other hand, learned that she can’t be left to play in her crib very long while wearing fleece jammies!
We spent Friday and Saturday at home, just us, which was really nice. We cleaned a lot. In fact, we now have a section of the basement cleaned and set up for the twins to play in. We moved down their bigger toys and an old TV that is now connected to the dvd player we never used. So I now have more play space in the house for them to use this winter. It’s not a finished “room” by any stretch, but it should work for a play area.
Yesterday, we drove out to the farm for a Thanksgiving gathering there. We did make it to church out there, which is always nice. And Erin got a new dress coat from a family out there. It’s a.dor.a.ble. And she LOVED it. I will try to get a picture today. Seriously, she looked so cute. Anyway, then the rest of the day was spent hanging out with the extended family and having dinner. And we headed for home about 4, so we even had a good evening to unwind and goof off.
So, all in all, it was a very good long weekend. And now, I’m ready for a more normal routine for a few days!
Okay, my kids are now making “definitely awake” noises, so I’m off to start the day. Happy Monday!
November 29, 2010
Happy Monday to you as well. Sounds like you had a good Thanksgiving holiday. I had a great one as well. Can’t wait to see pics of your girl in that new coat 🙂
November 29, 2010
It was a fun Thanksgiving and a great weekend, too! It’s not often I get both!!
November 29, 2010
I guess I am crazy according to you. Sierra slept in our room for about 2 months. I thought it was much easier than walking to another room multiple times per night. I had no trouble sleeping with her in there. Guess I’m not as light a sleeper as you.
That does sound like a nice Thanksgiving! Too bad about the pajamas. But at least she left her diaper on. I have heard horror stories about kids taking their diapers off at night!
November 30, 2010
^ I have EXPERIENCED horror stories about kids taking their diapers off at night!!
Something that might make a difference on the sleeping in room v. out – master bedroom on a different floor than the baby’s room. Multiple times walking up and down stairs would make me want the baby closer! We never tried it, but with where new kid’s crib is, in our spare room, I have a feeling with a queen-sized bed right next to the crib, I might end up laying down in there after feeding her sometimes!!
November 30, 2010
@trishlrich – Megan’s room has the guest bed in it, too, and I have totally been tempted a couple of times to lie down in there while she eats. I’m just not very good at doing it that way. But it’ll probably happen eventually!