Why is it that five-day weeks feel so…long, at least after the holidays when we had multiple 3-4 day weeks in a row. This is the second full week of work (for Eric, I mean), and it just about kicked my butt! Yesterday morning, I was sure the week was never going to end!
But, now it’s Friday afternoon. I am packing us up to head to the farm for the weekend. Of course, Erin has been pretty needy today (I don’t think she feels good), Megan has been off, and poor Alex has been getting in to stuff because his playmate hasn’t wanted to play with him all morning. And that has made for a slightly stressful morning for Mommy. But, as the twins are napping and Megan is falling asleep as we speak, hopefully our afternoon will be much better.
I mentioned before that I’m working on another writing project. Eric asked me what I wanted to spend my earnings from it on the other day. Nothing really came to mind. Then, this morning, my mom mentioned the idea of a new kitchen table/chairs. And I am suddenly very excited about that thought. Our current table/chairs are hand-me-downs and don’t actually go together. And the table is small, there are only 4 chairs, and one of these days, we’ll have to figure out how to fit Megan at the table, too. So…maybe now is a great time to get a new table.
Of course, that brings me to the question of what type of table to get. Any suggestions? Do you have a dream table? Do you love/hate the one you have? What would make the perfect set for your house?
We are switching cable/internet companies at the beginning of next month. So I am finally ‘graduating’ to a gmail account. I have a yahoo account, but it’s totally my junk account. So for years, I’ve just used my Wowway account as my primary address. But no more. So…on to gmail! (PS – if you have my email address…feel free to update to the new address: shannahhogue@gmail.com)
And now, I must get back to the non-blogging parts of my day. Hope you all have a fantastic weekend!
January 21, 2011
I love tables and chairs and wooden furniture in general. I guess it depends very much on the space you have – how it’s shaped, how much room there is, etc. I like rectangular tables – maybe with ovaled edges – in medium-colored wood.
Good luck!
January 21, 2011
HEY! We can work toward this goal together!
We should race. And the first one to save enough for their table should buy the other one a “poor you didn’t get it yet” set of cloth napkins.
My cake money this year is going toward a new kitchen table and chairs! We are definitely getting a counter height table because it will also serve as an island in our kitchen-when we’re not eating on it- since we have so little counter space.
My dream table: able to be small enough to seat 4, but big enough to seat 8. square, dark wood, counter height, durable, clean, straight lines and ALL OF THE CHAIRS MUST PUSH IN AT THE SAME TIME. It irritates the snot out of me that I cannot push in all of our hideously ornate kitchen chairs at the same time. that should be the number one priority of table designers.
January 21, 2011
and are you goign to use gmail reader too? it’s the best thing i’ve ever discovered..makes it so easy to keep up with blogs.
have fun at the farm this weekend!!
January 21, 2011
My dream table wouldn’t have so much crap piled on it all the time that you couldn’t actually USE it for anything….
January 21, 2011
I’m all for a leaf that can make it bigger. Our family of 5 sits around our small round table nicely, but when I have the leaf, we seat 8 comfortably, and we’ve squeezed in 10.
I love Jess’s napkin contest.
January 21, 2011
Oooh we desperately need a better dining room table and chairs. Ours is also a hand-me-down and so stained I’m embarrassed to have people over. Only I can’t buy another one until we actually have enough room for a nice table. So a bigger house has to come first. HA!
January 22, 2011
I just finished working on our new table and chairs. I wanted a round table because I love it when everyone can see and talk to everyone. It’s not 100% the best and last set I’ll ever own…..but that’s because the ones I like are super duper expensive and beautiful and upholstered and would last sixty seconds in their pristine state in a house with small children. So I did a little craigslisting and a little cheap chair shopping and a little painting and made myself a cute little set that I really like but won’t be crushed when my kids drop spaghetti on it. Post about it with pictures coming really soon.
January 24, 2011
We have three tables, and I dislike all of them. Well, the one in our breakfast nook, I don’t hate, but it already feels too small! One day I will have the table of my dreams…whatever that is!
January 24, 2011
I really like my table (that Grandpa is going to refinish any time now!), but I don’t know if they make them anymore. I do wish I had chairs to match it, though. Maybe someday that will be important,but right now, it’s okay that they don’t. I like spending my money on my grandchildren!!