So yesterday was a busy, crazy day…
I actually made it to Bible Study on time at 9:15 in the morning. This is unusual because Megan doesn’t usually wake up until 9, so we can’t get anywhere until 10 (easily). On Sundays, I have to wake her up. But yesterday, she was awake at 8, and all the details just sort of fell into place. So we made it ON TIME! I took that to mean God really wants me to do this study.
We also hung out with some friends in the afternoon. Eric went to a hockey game with his brother last night, so he didn’t get home until 10. So I filled the day with visiting. We had a great time, and I had a really good chat with my friend. And when we got home, I made a quick supper for us, and we ate cookies and watched TV until bath/bed time. And then I goofed on the computer.
I also found out that I may already have another writing project lined up for when I finish the one I’m on. It would be great to see the writing stuff keep growing for me. I’m enjoying the activity!
Erin had a huge day yesterday. She started calling our friends by name (Denae became “Nay” and Kennedy was something close to that). Although Kerrigan, Kennedy’s twin sister, was totally left out of that accomplishment…oh well! But even bigger is that Erin learned a new skill.
This is how I found them yesterday morning (and after naps and once after I’d turned out the lights at bedtime). She can now climb into Alex’s crib. At least she didn’t go out on to the floor, I guess. But I’m thinking that means our cribs’ days are numbered.
And I’m thinking that we are about to embark on the potty-training adventure. I think I’m going to start a week from today. I have no good reason not to. We don’t have that many places to go since it’s so cold out. And it’s worth a shot. I’m not going to stress too hard about it. If one or both picks it up, great. If one or both really isn’t ready, we’ll back off and try again in a month or so. But I think they can do it. The question, I suppose, is whether I’m really ready for it!
So anyway, for those of you who’ve done it before…any potty-training ideas or advice would be more than welcome!
Happy Wednesday!
January 26, 2011
Oh, my. That crib situation is nearly done.
January 27, 2011
I’d say it’s done already. Do you have beds for them yet…real beds, not cribs!
January 31, 2011
oh boy! lots going on
I found that with the potty training, I tried to push it too early and it backfired. She was afraid of the potty and was holding it in and ended up getting multiple UTI’s. We were told to wait a couple of months and it was WAY easier when she was a bit older (about 2 1/2-3). I had one of those self standing little potties in the kitchen and dressed her in real undies or none at all and she sat on it about a million times a day, I had to remind her alot, but until they get that feeling down theres lots of running to the potty. I thought the “training pants” were a waste of money in my own opinion. I’d just say timing is everything. Good luck!!