I finished a book yesterday. I stayed up until 11:00 to do so. It was worth it. Unfortunately is was Book 2 in a trilogy, so now I am trying to decide whether to just start Book 3 and be done with it. Decisions, decisions…
Megan has now started rice cereal. She had her first bowl on Monday night. She ate 2 tbsp. of cereal without stopping at all. Last night, same thing. And she was JOLLY for about an hour after “dinner” was over, too. I think she likes it.
It’s supposed to be in the 60s early next week. Call me excited!
Time change pretty much kicked my butt this time. The kids were not unusually messed up. Some issues came up, but nothing major. I, on the other hand, felt like I got hit by a semi for the first two days of this week. Thankfully, things are better today. Even with the late “finish-the-book” bedtime. So we should be good now, I hope.
Eric’s grandpa is still struggling some. His heart is good. But his mind is not so much. I guess my MIL was noticing some little quirks before his heart failed. But now there are lots of things that are concerning them. And he told his doctor that if the doctor diagnosed him with Alzheimers, “he’d just stop taking all his medications.” Please pray for Grandpa and for Grandma and my MIL. They need lots of wisdom right now.
I made an obstacle course of chairs, tables and stools in our living room on Monday to help Alex blow off some steam. I tried to vary taller things with shorter so they’d have to climb up and down. They really enjoyed it. They especially liked standing on the piano bench. I think they felt tall. But it was cute to watch.
Erin is almost completely understandable these days (at least for me). It’s crazy to realize that most of her sounds are actual words…or attempts at them anyway. She’s too cute.
I bought myself a copy of the 30 Day Shred a couple of weeks ago so I had something to vary my exercise routine with (I typically just walk on my treadmill or outside if I can). It has been really good for working muscles and parts of my body that the treadmill doesn’t challenge much. The other day, though, I didn’t get it done before the kids were up. So Erin came down with me. She “worked out” right along with me…including copying my breathing during pushups and trying to lift a small hand weight. She even got down on her back and did “crunches” right beside me. It was TOO cute.
My in-laws dropped in yesterday just as naptime ended. We had a good time playing and chatting with them, and they stayed for dinner. My FIL had a CAT scan yesterday, which is the last step in the requirements for the hearing implant they are looking to get him. It’s called Esteem, and if all goes as they say it should, my pretty-much-deaf FIL may actually be able to hear again in just a couple more months. We are really excited by the possibility. He’ll be able to talk to my MIL again, just to chat. And he’ll be able to hear the grandkids jabber at him (not that he’ll understand what they’re saying, but that’s another issue!). I’m really praying that God blesses the procedure. He’s only in his 50s, and he can’t hear much of anything anymore. This would be really, really great if it does what they think it will do.
Last night, we tidied the house up before the kids went to bed. I never realize how much the clutter is bothering me until it’s gone and it’s like I can breathe a little easier. I guess that should motivate me to tidy more often. But…well…maybe one of these days that will happen again!
Okay, I think I’ve run out of random thoughts for right now. Happy Wednesday!
March 16, 2011
Good job with the workouts! I have not been going to the gym, but yesterday I did 60 pushups in my office and today, so far, I’ve done 45 crunches and 10 leg lifts to work the lower abs. It’s a great break to do a set every half hour or so between tasks.
Too precious. I love reading about your babies!
I also got to babysit last night. A couple of my friends from church have an 18-month-old little girl. She was in such a good mood last night, too! We played Legos and read books before bedtime last night. She’s just starting to get her molars, so she’s teething a little, but once we figured that out she went right to sleep.
March 16, 2011
I feel like I’m still struggling with the time change. Getting a cold on top of it hasn’t helped!
March 17, 2011
Too funny about Erin copying your breathing during your workout! I probably wouldn’t have been able to go on with the workout. I would have been laughing too hard!!!