I wish I didn’t work so hard at keeping people from seeing my warts, mistakes, meltdowns, and other personal catastrophes.
I wish I was a better friend.
I wish there were easier answers to the problems out there.
I wish grace was a more consistent part of my life.
I wish I wasn’t such a coward.
I wish I could figure out how to find a deeper sense of connection. And contentment. And confidence.
I wish Megan didn’t always ignore the 20 toys she can play with to find the ONE toy on the floor that she’s not supposed to have.
I wish I was better with the details. Especially where house cleaning comes in.
I wish I had more time to read or knit or swing. Or maybe I wish I took more time to do those things.
I wish I could bottle up my kids’ laughter.
I wish that I would learn to take more time to pray.
I wish I knew how to love my husband.
I wish the laundry would do itself.
I wish I would learn to be less critical, in thought and in word.
I wish I could figure out what real obedience looks like.
I wish I could play the piano.
I wish I had a better sense of my purpose.
I wish I was better at telling the people I love how much they mean to me.
I wish I looked a lot more like Jesus than I do right now. (Hey…at least this last one is a wish that will come true someday!)
April 12, 2011
All those are good things to wish, but not to dwell too long on… except the last one, of course. if we dwelt on that more often, all the other things would pale in significance and would fall in their rightful place. I think we all wish most of them a lot of the time. Thanks for putting them out there for all of us! We needed to be reminded what’s most important…
April 13, 2011
i wish i could play the piano, too! i even took lessons…they didn’t work.
knowing what you want to do is half the battle…so it sounds like you have some things you could work on a little here and there (and some things i should work on, too!) but, be sure to give yourself a little grace, too.
I LOVe your facebook status today. It’s a precious picture!