Where to Begin…

I’m so behind on my blogs.  Way behind.  So I’m just going to type random bullets and see what I remember…

  • The week was crazy.
    • We were at the farm last weekend for a baby shower for Eric’s cousin and his wife AND the surprise 60th birthday party for Eric’s dad.  Both went well.  
    • Tuesday included Bible study in the morning, Megan’s 6 month appointment in the afternoon, and a girls dinner in the evening.  
    • Wednesday & Thursday were spent doing laundry.
    • Thursday night was another dinner out…all the way to Polaris.
    • My parents came up on Friday for a few hours, and my grandparents came down in the early afternoon.
    • They left about 3, and I started packing.
    • And we spent the weekend at the farm for Easter.
  • Megan’s 6-month appointment went well.
    • She weighs 17 lbs. now.
    • She barfed all over everything while we were there.
    • We got bumped up to Prevacid for the reflux.  Seems to be helping, though giving dissolving tablets to a breastfed 6-month old has been a bit complicated.
  • Easter at the farm is good times.
    • My kids LOVE hunting easter eggs.
    • We went to the Bunny Brunch at my in-laws church: kid-friendly brunch, games/activities, easter story, egg hunt, candy and prizes galore.  Good times!
    • The Powell side was over for Sunday dinner, and we had a lovely time chatting with everyone.
    • The twins thought playing out in the rain and the puddles was super-fun. 
    • I ate way too much chocolate…and enjoyed it all!
  • Kid Update – rough stuff
    • I should start the not-cute stuff with (shocker) we’re not sleeping again.  This time, though, it’s been mostly Megan.  I have no idea why.  Last night was the first night everyone slept though the night in weeks.  I’m hoping for another night like that tonight because I am tired!
    • Oh, and poor Alex had a virus last week that gave him a 102 degree fever for 3 days.  NOT fun!
    • Megan is a master of finding things she should not have.  Paper is a huge draw.  Power cords.  Rubber bands.  Which she then puts in her mouth and gags on.  She can even find these things after I’ve checked and okayed a space for her to be in it.  I have no idea how I’m going to keep ahead of her on this one…
  • Kid Update – cute stuff
    • Erin wore a purple dress with pantaloons for Easter.  When I opened the van door at the church, she had pulled the pants down to her knees…and her new socks (with lace, of course) up to her knees.  It was quite a look!
    • Megan has been working on crawling for a couple of weeks.  She could get in position, but go nowhere.  And she would get MAD about it.  Apparently, she’s got my anger issues.  But she did actually crawl tonight while Eric was reading the twins their bedtime stories!
    • Alex is actually talking more and more these days.  There’s still a lot of guessing about what he’s saying (his word for “white” sounds nothing like “white”), but we are definitely making progress!
    • Erin has started apologizing for things.  I bumped into her when opening the door for her tonight, and she said, “I sorry, Mommy.  It all my fault.”  No, sweetie, it was actually MY fault.  I think we’ll have to work on when apologies are necessary.
    • Alex loves to throw things.  We’re trying to keep the “things” limited to balls.  But even with balls, his aim is…well…less than stellar.  So it’s always a crazy guess as to where the ball will go when it leaves his hand.  Thankfully, he’s only hit Megan like twice. silly
    • Megan is saying “Da-da” and “Ma-Ma” these days.  She also shakes her head “no”…so cute!
    • Oh, and I finally found a baby food she didn’t hate at first bite.  Any guesses?  Peas!  Go figure…

Okay, so I’m sure there’s more, but I’m tired, and I’m going to end this long post.  Hopefully, I’ll be back before another 10 days have passed!

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  1. MomEdlund
    April 26, 2011

    Crazy days! I want to go to an Easter Egg hunt at the farm. It sounds like a lot of fun!!

  2. BoureeMusique
    April 26, 2011

    PEAS?! Your child is a (sweet, adorable blessing) mutant!

  3. ch1pch0p
    April 26, 2011

    Reagan also weighs 17 pounds. She’s only 2.5 months younger than Megan, right?

  4. Oly16
    May 1, 2011

    nice update!  I wish you had a picture of Erin with her socks pulled up and her pantaloons  

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