Just needed to record some things I don’t want to forget…
At VBS last week, I volunteered to work the nursery so my kids could be in the Two-year room. They sort of do a VBS-lite for the littles, and I wanted the twins to participate in something like that. I was a little nervous because it was either going to be incredibly good for them…or it was going to be very, very bad. But it was awesome. Seriously awesome.
- They did crafts and played games and walked in a line holding on to a little rope. They had fun snacks and went home exhausted every day. It was great!
- Erin actually learned her memory verse (with motions!). She’s getting very good at repeating it when asked what the bible story at VBS was. She points up with both hands, then circles them randomly at her waist and says “Goh made duh wohl.” I’m working on a good video of it. Seriously…it’s adorable!
- Most days, the Twos group went to the opening group session, but not the closing (imagine 800 kids in a lavishly decorated church auditorium…it’s loud!). My two went from covering their eyes and ears early in the week to watching and clapping along by Friday. So great!
- I can’t quite explain it, but it’s like the twins came back exactly the same, but totally different. They just sort of blossomed during the week. They’re both a little more confident, a little more verbal, a little more independent. It’s strange, but awesome, too. Thanks to Summer (their class leader) and the VBS crew!!
Erin is getting TONS more 2-ish. Her most common phrases are “I do it myself” and “I don’t think so.” She wants to put her clothes on, take them off, help set the table, pick up Megan (yikes!), and buckle herself into her carseat. I can totally see why so many of you have warned me that 3 is worse than 2. It’s going to take WAY more wisdom than I’ve got to help her balance her new level of independence with obeying Mommy and following the rules. It’s going to get interesting…
Oh…we painted Erin’s toenails on Sunday for the first time. She LOVED it!
She is totally into names right now. She sometimes calls us Mommy Shannah and Daddy Eric which is cute, but I’m not allowing it much anymore. The other day she announced that her brother’s name was “Alex Buddy-Bud Leon Hogue.” It cracked us up!
And…we are starting potty training for real next week. Actually it was going to be this week, but I accidentally double-booked us for a trip to my in-laws this weekend. And I didn’t figure it was a good idea to travel and start potty training at the exact same time. BUT, we are talking it up all the time (and reading books about going to the potty which Alex just LOVES), and last night, Erin actually did pee in her little green potty before bedtime. Yay for her!
(On that note, I am going to try both of the twins at the same time. But I’m really just giving Alex a 3-day trial. I’m not sure he’s quite as ready as Erin. But he might be (he’s kind of hard to read). So I’m starting them both together. And if he hasn’t connected with it by Day 3, I’m just going to put him back in diapers for a bit and try again in a couple of weeks. Should be interesting…)
Alex is talking up a storm these days, and it’s like he suddenly can articulate SO much more than he could even a week or two ago. He understands us just fine, and he’s starting to get frustrated when I don’t figure out what he’s saying right away. By the end of the summer, he’s going to be super clear. Which will be awesome!
He isn’t demanding to do things himself, but he will do them if you offer him the chance. Like pulling down his own pants. He’ll happily let me do it, but he can (and will) if I take the time to let him try. (Which I need to do more often…I’m usually in too big a hurry to “waste” time letting him try.)
That little boy is a running, climbing, wrestling little lovebug. He gives the best hugs, and he still loves to hold hands and snuggle up close to people. But he’s SOOOO busy. And he loves to play in water. He’ll sit in a bath until it’s cold and he’s wrinkled. And thankfully, the rain has been keeping our little infant pool filled, so they have lots of water to play with. At least as long as I can keep him from drinking it. He has been known to lie on the ground and lap up puddles on the driveway and or drink water from the lid of our sand table. Gross!
He laughs every time I read the potty books and have to say “bye-bye pee-pee” and “bye-bye poopy” – which makes me wonder if he is ready or just likes potty humor already. Maybe a little of both?
He’s also a natural at numbers and technology (hmmm…his dad’s kid maybe?). He’s figured out how to open iMovies on my computer and watch his favorite video (their 1st birthday one). Of course, he just figured out to look for the “star” (the iMovie icon). But still…that’s one smart little cookie (and surprisingly good with a computer mouse!).
And of course, Megan is still getting more mobile by the second. She sort of slowed down her forward momentum while she got good and steady standing up. But now she’s cruising like a champ. SO it’s only a matter of time, I suspect, before she starts trying to walk between things. *sigh*
She is also a fiend for putting things in her mouth. During VBS, she actually pulled off a ball from her sock and was chewing on it when the otehr ladies got it out. Sheesh! Even if I can keep the floors clean, she’s going to just eat her clothes. I can’t win!
But she’s finally doing better again about sleeping through the night. It’s not quite as assumed as it was at first, but most nights, I don’t have to get up. Which is good for all of us. Of course, she’s started pulling stuff into her crib if she can reach it, so I’m having to find places for all the stuff that was “in range” of her grasping little hands. She certainly does keep me on my toes…
Okay, and that’s about all I can remember right this minute. I’ll try to get up some pics or videos if I can figure out how to do it! Happy Tuesday!
June 21, 2011
You are so sweet to mention me in your blog, but I didn’t do anything special! Those two are the sweetest most precious little sponges! I could picture Erin right away doing the motions to her bible verse, she really caught on quickly! And I just wanted to cry on Friday when I looked down the row and saw both Alex and Erin smiling and clapping along! On Monday they were both pretty scared during the music so I just told them if it was too loud to cover their ears and it would make the sound just right for them. Somehow Alex translated that into cover your eyes, but hey it worked for him! God is so good and I enjoyed every second with those two year olds! Thanks for trusting me with them!
June 22, 2011
@sisney12 – You’re sweet. And that “nothing special” was a huge deal for them, so I really appreciate that you lead their class. I wanted to give them the opportunity to deal with new situations without me, and it made me feel a ton better to have such great people watching out for them and helping them adjust (like the covering the ears thing). Val even took some video of them on Friday and sent it to me. Now they want to watch the videos over and over again. So they really did love it. Thanks again!