That’s right…today the tiny squeaking burritos that they, for some reason, let us take home from the hospital turn 3 today! Life has certainly changed a lot from those crazy busy days when two little people suddenly decided that they ruled my world and kept me hopping with late night fussing, constant hunger complaints and a never-ending stream of poopy bottoms.
Wait…come to think of it…maybe not much has changed after all!
But in all seriousness, these days are pretty amazing. I have two crazy awesome 3-year-olds running around my house. They are funny, happy, talkative little sponges. They love their sister. They love each other. It’s just been incredible to watch them develop, as a pair AND as individuals.
My Alex was born first (by 70 seconds according to the camera time stamp!). And these days, he’s just all boy. He wants to run, jump, bounce, be chased, climb, and any other very action verb you can think of. He likes cars and trucks and Blues Clues and Shaun the Sheep. He can’t seem to help but swing sticks (or anything stick-like) around like a…well, a stick, I guess. And he’s been known to beat out imaginary fire with those sticks, too, which is a little dangerous to the health and well-being of anyone nearby.
Alex is also incredibly verbal these days, which is awesome. He is actually initiating conversations and people other than me can understand him (some of the time). He loves to be on his tricycle, though he never “got” pedaling this summer. I’m sure he’ll pick it up really fast next spring. He still loves his Scruffy puppy best of all his toys. He’s started really loving to be my helper, which is so fun. On the other hand, he’s taken to hoarding the toys, piling them up on the couch or the recliner in a mountain of toy cars, shopping carts, stuffed animals and other miscellany. Sometimes he does it to keep the toys for himself. Other times, he’s doing it to clean up (which he’s starting to really like to do…yay for me!). But that makes it hard to tell whether I should scold him or congratulate him for his pile of stuff…oh well!

December 8, 2011
Goodness, you made me tear up. Happy Birthday, Erin and Alex!