
He’s quite a little man these day, my Alex. 

We had a recent playdate with some friends who each have two girls. One of my friends was cracking up at him running into the walls (literally). He was running full speed across the length of our kitchen and then bouncing off the wall at the end. The funny part was that I hadn’t even noticed he was doing it yet. It’s nothing out of the ordinary for him (though usually he runs like that into the couch, not the wall). 

Alex is starting to talk up a storm. He can’t quite keep up with Erin (who can?), but he’ll start in on some topic and just keep going until he runs out of sounds (not everything comes out as clear words yet). It usually takes me a minute or so to figure out what he’s saying because you often have to know the context to get his point. He loves to recap the TV show they just watched. He keeps me updated on the last known whereabouts of the beloved stuffed animals. He gets up first thing in the morning and fills me in on everything that’s happened in the 3 minutes that have passed between when he woke up and the time he is speaking to me…and he usually ends with “And I hungry!”

Actually, these days, he is always hungry. I’m gonna be a little concerned about his teenage years at this rate…at least in the area of breakfast cereal (he ate 3 bowls this morning).  Yikes!

The one thing that is pretty consistent about our little buddy, though, is that he is a button-pusher.

Obviously that means technology. He is a full-blown techno-maniac already. He can work the mouse surprisingly well, opening computer games he likes, even opening particular webpages so that he can watch the embedded videos about particular computer games. Seriously, that boy is never gonna be allowed to have a computer in his bedroom because I’m gonna have to watch his computer usage like a hawk!

But really, it’s more than just the computer. If it has buttons, he cannot help but push them. Can not help it. Like yesterday, I couldn’t understand why my phone wouldn’t charge from the outlet where it is normally plugged in. Eric figured it out this morning when he tried to turn on his coffee maker. Earlier yesterday, Alex notice the GSFI button on a different outlet and, of course, pushed the button. Sheesh.

But he’s also starting to display an uncanny knack for pushing his sister’s buttons. He knows just what to do to see her melt down into a full-out, tear-streaming fit. And it’s mostly nothing stuff. Like pointing a spoon at her during breakfast. Or looking at her. Or sitting on the couch cushion that she was going to opt for. Or surreptitiously gathering up into his day’s hoard a toy or remote or whatever that she had been holding not five minutes before. She put it down, but as soon as she figured out he had it…cue the meltdown. 

Now I realize that this is a brother thing (I have a brother who was always good at that as well). But seriously…I didn’t know it started so early.

He is definitely a button pusher. Still, he makes me laugh. He’s a super sweet little guy who gives hugs and jumps to you from the highest stair step that he dares and dismantles my couch cushions every day to built forts and towers and doghouses and tunnels. Yep…he’s quite a little man.  

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