Filling the days

So Erin woke me up three times last night. And she’s my good sleeper. So that usually means something is wrong. Okay, so one of those times, she’d lost her jingle bunny. But the other two were primarily about her ear hurting. Oh boy. So…after waffling about it for a bit this morning, I made an appointment to have her checked out. SO glad I did. She’s got an ear infection and a viral sore throat (strep test was negative). Poor thing! And that activity certainly filled our morning: doctor’s office by 9, dropped of Rx by 10, hung out at Tim Hortons for a snack (timbits and chocolate milk), picked up Rx about 11, then home for some Mickey Mouse and lunch. They really did great while we were out: Alex stayed totally dry all morning and Megan hung in there (though waiting the last 10 minutes at CVS was really hard for a tired little girl). And now they are napping…lovely!

In other news…

I was really hoping to vote today. It may still happen, but we shall see. 

On Sunday, I took my kids out in the “blizzard” to catch snowflakes on their tongues. They enjoyed it.

Although Alex didn’t like the snowflakes hitting him in the eye, so he tried to catch them looking down.

And Megan…well, she found her own way to have some fun.


She’s so cute!

I’m reading a couple of different books these days (which is unusual, as I typically read one at a time). Bill Bryson’s At Home is a good non-fiction; he makes me laugh out loud. Andy Stanley’s Enemies of the Heart is kicking my butt (in a good way). And I’m currently stalled out on Francis Chan’s Crazy Love. I realize I’m a bit behind the times on that one, but so far I’m not that impressed. I know he’s “moved” a lot of people with his ideas, but I am struggling with his style, so I find it hard to follow his points well. And while I don’t necessarily disagree with his overarching thesis, I have found myself adamantly disagreeing with him on points along the way. So I’m not sure I’m on the “Chan is all that” bandwagon at this point, but maybe I’ll get through the rest of the book and change my mind. 

Oh…and for Lent, I’m reading Seven Sacred Pauses which is a how-to/way-to book on learning the Liturgy of the Hours. I’m mostly reading it at bedtime, so I’m not through it yet, but the idea of pausing seven times every day to pray and reconnect with God and what He’s doing in my day has been refreshing. Okay, so I don’t really do all seven (midnight, 6 am, 9 am, noon, 3 pm, 6 pm, 9 pm) every day, but I have gotten a surprisingly high number of the middle-of-the-night ones done when I’m up with Megan. So hey…that’s something. Anyway, I definitely recommend the book. And the Liturgy, for that matter. At least it’s good for me…

And with all of that, I’m definitely filling my days. I spent most of yesterday on laundry (particularly stain removal). Seriously, Megan is like a walking magnet for anything that can stain her clothes. On Saturday, she dumped Eric’s (cooled) coffee all over her head and chest. Then later smooshed chocolate cake into her second change of clothes. If it weren’t for OxyClean and Clorox bleach pens, I swear that girl would have nothing to wear.

But still, when kids and chores and routines aren’t pushing me around, I do have a handful of writing projects I’m working on. And another project for my mom’s birthday next week (though it won’t be anywhere near done by then). And I have a meeting on Wednesday night so I can sell at our Twins Club consignment sale next month. And our church’s moms group meets on Thursday night. And the kids (all 3!) are going to spend a night at the farm this week, too. So we are definitely not hurting for activities to fill our time. But, as I already lost this post once (grrr!), and naps will be ending altogether too soon…I need to move on to another project and fill my time with that for a while.

Happy Tuesday!

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1 Comment

  1. ch1pch0p
    March 6, 2012

    It took me more than two years to finish Crazy Love. Couldn’t get past Chapter Four for the longest time. Your assessment pretty much sums it up for me. I’m considering Radical but I don’t anticipate feeling much differently.

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