Day 1: WHY…why?

To be honest, the idea of WHY popped into my head. So that has to be my first and most honest answer.

Second, WHY is a question that can focus my writing without locking me in right away. I am in the process of discovering my specific voice, what message I might share with the world. I have some ideas. But I don’t know it all the way yet. So WHY will let me explore a bit, while also letting me “cheat” by still posting about my kids or normal life or whatever.

Third, WHY is a critical thinking question. If you want to dive into an idea or a person, WHY is the very best place to start. It makes us process more fully. It demands more than half-hearted answers. WHY pushes us to think more deeply and broadly, and that makes me a tiny bit excited. (I’m weird, I know.)

Last, WHY is a brave question. To ask it. To answer it. There’s no fluff there. It takes courage to engage with an idea or another person with a WHY. Why do you think that? Why did such-n-such have to happen? Why don’t I believe this? It’s a mildly terrifying thing, to face down the WHY. But that kind of courage, I believe, is always rewarded.

So let’s dive in…to WHY?

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  2. Emily
    October 6, 2017

    I love watching your voice develop. You have a lot to share, and it’s worth hearing.

    1. Shannah
      October 11, 2017

      Thanks, Emily! I really appreciate your vote of confidence!

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