So, I think it’s Monday…my days are very  messed up. Especially because we went to the Saturday service so that we didn’t have to get up on Sunday morning.  But I think it’s Monday…Trisha, you can let me know!

So I woke up with a cold on Saturday…it’s great fun. Eric is very proud of me for sneezing out loud this weekend.  Usually I hold it in (yes I know that’s bad) and then give a little “achoo” right at the end…most people don’t even know that I sneezed.  But since I have a cold, I’m just letting them rip!  Eric thinks it’s great…he’s easily amused I guess.

Today I might take down the Christmas decorations…we have a 9 foot tree, so it’s quite an undertaking.  Then we’re going over to Karen & Erik’s to watch the OSU game with them.  Karen’s bummed because she had to work today and then has to hurry home to be on time for the game.  Oh well…I don’t have to go back to work until next Wednesday!  Of course, I’ll probably be bored before then…

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  1. trishlrich
    January 2, 2006

    You’re right – it is Monday!  Can you take a 9-foot tree down by yourself?!  If so, I’m impressed.  I finally broke down and bought a Christmas tree, so next year, we’ll be festive for the first time (assuming we put it up)!

  2. mke813
    January 2, 2006

    We took our tree down a few days ago. I would like a 12-foot tree, but we haven’t bought one yet. We would definitely have to get an artificial one because a tree that big would be over $100 here. I sure would not spend that much every year.
    I can’t believe Karen is back in school already. Oh well, poor her! Have fun watching the game. We’ll be watching it here, too!

  3. shannahhogue
    January 2, 2006

    Eric grew up with real trees, but I don’t think the hassle and mess is worth it.  And a tree big enough for our great room would also be way too much every year.  So we splurged on decorations last year and bought a nice tree.  And no, I can’t take it down by myself…I undecorate the tree and Eric helps me take it down.  I do have to use our 8-foot ladder to get the bulbs and lights on and off the top of the tree, though…it’s quite a sight!

  4. trishlrich
    January 3, 2006

    Homemade or boxed is acceptable, as long as it’s cheesy!  I think I did spoil myself the other night, though – we went to this restaurant called Great Scotts, and I had the best homemade m&c I’ve ever had in my life!  Oh, the memories…  I think I might start going there and just getting mac & cheese to go on the way home!

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