Today, I am digging out of the heaps of leftover Christmas that was piled in my kitchen when I got up today. I will do a recap of our holiday adventures in the near future, but today, I only have the mental capacity to say that our 4-day Christmas just about pushed me beyond what I could handle, but it was happy and full of family and friends and faith and fun. So, despite my near-exhaustion, I’d say it was a total success!
As for my family…
The twins figured out the whole present thing really fast. Go figure! And they were fantastic all weekend, despite the lack of good sleep and normal routine.
Alex has started to pretend to sleep. He’s got a great fake snore. It’s really funny!
Megan is starting to reach for things and try to grab them. So far, she’s been enamored of the toys dangling on her bouncy-seat bar and the bright yellow chocolate chip bag. Thankfully, she doesn’t know about the stuff inside that yellow bag yet!
Erin’s talking has moved forward by leaps and bounds. A few weeks ago, I mentioned that it wouldn’t be more than a month or two before she was using more words than jibberish. And we are totally there. She says “Come on, Mommy” (with a finger wiggle) all the time. She said “I’ll be righ’ bah'” for the first time at my parents’ house this weekend. And she has totally started to start conversations instead of just responding to you. Oh, and she has started to answer the characters on the TV shows that we watch (mostly Mickey Mouse Clubhouse) which is very funny.
Okay, those are the things I really wanted to write down, I think. I need to get the twins up from their naps now, so I’ll fill you in on the Christmas activities in a day or so. Have a lovely Tuesday.
December 28, 2010
Merry Christmas, Shannah!
December 30, 2010
That’s funny about the chocolate chips bag…she has good instincts!