I have a few minutes, and I want to do a little update post. But my creative juices are pretty low tonight. So, sadly, this probably isn’t going to be very exciting. But it’s an update, anyway.
We had Megan’s 1-month appointment today. She weighs 10 lbs., 12 oz! Yikes! The twins weren’t that big for 3 months! She’s also grown 2 1/4 inches (to 21.25 in.) in the last 3 weeks, too. So I guess that last week when I thought that she might be going through a growth spurt…I was right! But the doctor said that everything looks great, so yay for us!
We had a very busy weekend. And we slept at the farm for the first time with Megan (which did NOT go well). And the time change threw us all for a huge loop. You wouldn’t think that adding an hour of sleep to the schedule would throw things off that much. But the twins were hit really hard by it, especially when the travel, partying, lack of routine, and bad sleep got added in. So we had lots of meltdowns and crankiness for the last few days. It was really not so fun…
On the other hand, Alex got fitted for a little tuxedo which he will wear in Eric’s cousin’s wedding on the 20th. And it was TOO CUTE! I can’t wait so show you all pictures of the twins in their wedding finery; they will be totally adorable! And we did get to spend good time with both our families over the weekend. So there was lots of good about the weekend, too…
Thankfully, today went much better than the past couple of days. We had a normal at-home day, for the most part. And the twins responded really well. I think that we will make normalcy and routine the focus of the next few days. Hopefully, that will re-establish our sense of boundaries and ‘how the world should go’ again. And as toddlers need the sense of security that boundaries and routine bring…I’m expecting them to go back to their normal happy selves. *fingers crossed*
We are also having to focus a lot more on consistently disciplining them. I think that Megan’s arrival, while it hasn’t brought a lot of jealousy, has turned their world upside down. So some of their misbehavior is, I’m sure, just a test to see what else about their world is now different. But man, is it hard to be consistent when your world has been turned upside down, too! And you’re tired. It’s something I need to pray more about, I know.
Today, Alex wanted me to pick him up for the first time in ages. I did, and then the twins and I snuggled on the couch together and watched Handy Manny. He just snuggled down with me and grinned up at me. And Erin tucked herself in on my other side. It was really good for all of us, I think. Man, do I love those little cuties!
And, I think that’s about all I’ve got for right now. Hope you all have a marvelous day!
November 9, 2010
Hope things return to normal for you. I’m sure it is very hard to be consistent, especially when you must be exhausted. Hang in there, everyone will adjust soon.
Have a wonderful week 🙂
November 10, 2010
Hoping things get back to normal soon. The time change made Peyton fussy too. I hope she is doing better. I will see her today. I use to love to cuddle with my kids now I get to do it with my grandbabies. It is such a special time.
November 11, 2010
I miss the days when I was able to snuggle with my little ones. But, I now get to do it with my grandkids too! I wish I had one close right now!!
November 13, 2010
I HATE TIME CHANGES!!!! I used to love falling back. Now it just means crazy for a couple weeks! I wish we could just tell the children, ” you get to sleep an extra hour” and they would see how amazing that was. They don’t! I just keep reminding myself I will miss this. We will. We’ll forget how hard it was and just remember the innocent faces looking up at us and wanting to snuggle. So sweet.
Even when you don’t feel creative, I still think you are interesting and amazing. All this with little sleep?? You are doing great!