The Long Haul

In some ways, it’s over.

We had three nights of very little sleep and very busy days, colds and fevers and cutting teeth, and lots of crankiness (from me and the twins! ).

But last night, we had a good night’s sleep, and our colds are easing, and the fevers are down (or gone).

So glad that long haul is over (or ending anyway)!

Unfortunately, this week is going to be a long haul in itself.

I will definitely be glad when Friday comes.

And I am looking forward to some fun things this week (like spending time with grandmas, cleaning up my house after the weekend of sickness, and going to a banquet with Eric on Friday night), so maybe the long haul won’t be so bad overall!

Happy Monday!

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  1. Marketer319
    April 26, 2010

    A banquet sounds fun!  Any excuse to dress up and be adults for an evening is welcome in my book.     Glad you’re all on the up swing!

  2. Oly16
    April 26, 2010

    ooh that does sound fun!  its always nice to have things to look forward too.  hoping everyone will be fully recovered asap!

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