Timmy Turns One!

Happy birthday, my jolly little man!

You have been such a wonderful addition to our family this year. Your smiles never end. They can be sweet, silly, mischievous, or all-out laughing, but they just keep coming. Even when Megan sits on your head or pulls you around by your shoulders or pushes you over with her feet, you jump right back to smiling (after the crying is over, of course!). Your smiles for Mommy and Daddy just melt our hearts. And your Grandmas – well, you have them pretty well wrapped around every last one of your fingers!

You are getting so big. You give high-fives. You love peek-a-boo. You like people food as often as you can get it. You’re learning to clap. And you are a mover-and-shaker of the highest order. Just this week, you started to walk with assurance. You aren’t quite running, but it’s coming. Oh, is it coming!

And the climbing…you are most definitely a climber! Daddy’s green chair has been conquered. You are quickly to the top level of anything that even looks like a set of stairs. You’ve managed to get on top of the cedar chest, the step ladder, the headboard of Alex’s bed. And if you had a little more shoulder strength, you’d already be over the baby gates! Thankfully, you can usually get down from your climbs on your own, too. But I can’t leave you for a second without finding you trying to scale some new height.

And sweet little Timmy, we cannot wait to see what heights you will climb. You are, I know, soon going to see everything your siblings can do as a challenge to attempt. That’s good. Try out your skills. Test your strength. Learn and grow and see what God has gifted you to do and to be. We love you, sweet thing. We love you for the joy your presence has brought to our family. We love you because you balance the crazy. I love you because you have forced me to slow down, every day, and breathe during a year full of chaos and difficult choices.

Happy birthday, little one. We can’t wait to share many, many more with you!

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