This morning, I got up at 7:15 (or a little later), exercised, showered, ate breakfast, looked over the Children’s church message I’m supposed to teach tomorrow and then left to get Erin for her ball games.
We were at the ball field from 9:30 until 1:30. Then (as it was the last day of fall ball), we joined the team briefly for ice cream cones. Then home.
Today is also Megan’s 7th birthday. So we had a few presents for her in the afternoon. Then baths. Then into town for dinner at Steak N Shake. We had surprisingly fast service, and after we ate, we headed to the Kids Sale location to pick up what didn’t sell. Thankfully, I had two bins to bring home and all my big stuff left. Yay!
Then we headed down the street to the mall and watched the My Little Pony movie as a family. At 9 pm we left the mall and headed home. Three of four kids fell asleep before we arrived. So bed time involved quick changes, short prayers, and some meltdowns besides.
And now, it’s almost 10 pm and I am just now writing. Sometimes, it’s just that kind of day. Oh, and Happy Birthday to my Meggie!