My sweet little Mega-Baby…you are officially ONE! I have absolutely loved getting to know your jolly little self over the last twelve months.
You are my daredevil, my catch-me-if-you-can adventurer, my fearless explorer. I still feel a step behind you most of the time. Seriously, keeping track of you takes more energy and attention than I seem to have. You have yet to meet an obstacle you can’t get over or around (though sometimes you holler in frustration if it takes you more than one try to succeed at something!). One of your favorite places to be is on the couch, and thankfully, you’ve figured out how to get back off without falling on your head! Not that falling is a problem for you. You get knocked over, run over, pushed down by the twins multiple times a day. And when they aren’t “helping” you out, you manage to fall over, trip on nothing or get tangled up in adventures all by yourself! Really, if you make it to adult-hood in one piece, Lady Baby, I will be the most surprised of all!
In the last month, you’ve managed some major accomplishments, too. You finally got some teeth. I was beginning to wonder if that was ever going to happen (not that it kept you from eating everything in sight!). You started walking, too. Amazingly, you went from tentative half-steps to full movement in less than a week. What can I say…you’re impressive!
But more than that, you are just a bundle of happiness. Your giggles echo through the house. You love when I “chase” you up the stairs. You start up with a mischievous little grin on your face, breaking into hysterical laughter when I grab you up. You love having raspberries blown on your belly. You love peek-a-boo. You think we’re funny, and I think that you’re going to have a truly amazing sense of humor when you’re all grown up.
The twins are still pretty high on your list of “people you want to hang out with,” though you’re starting to dislike having toys taken from you (which does happen on a regular basis). Any toy they have, you think is the next best thing. And you are often inspiring screams and tantrums by stealing juice glasses they leave within your reach. But as much as you adore your siblings, you love your Daddy best of all, there is no denying. Every day when he comes home, you get yourself to the garage door as fast as your toddler steps can go and barely wait for him to get to you before you dive off the steps into his arms. You call him, “DA!,” and I am pretty sure that you’re going to get anything you want from him for a long, long time!
We call you lots of things: Megan, Meggle-Beggle, Mega-Boo, Meggie (that one’s Erin’s favorite), and Megs. But you are most definitely my Megan Marie. You are a special, sweet Lady, and your Momma loves you very, very much. Happy 1st Birthday!
October 7, 2011
She’s absolutely beautiful! (And I like Da’s Iron shirt, too.)