Just Little Things

Alex has, in the last two days, told me he has to pee about 3 times.  One of those times he was already wet, but maybe, just maybe we are turning another corner in the wonderful world of PT.  At least I hope so.

I am not a fan of TruGreen lawn service.  Just sayin’.

Tonight I was going to make a roast.  Then I realized I didn’t have a roast in the freezer after all.  So we had Italian.  It wasn’t perfect, but it worked.

My children love to come and show me their “shiny” clean teeth after brushing before bed.  They’re cute.

Yesterday, Megan was trying to find the sticker I had had on my shirt (I’d taken it off).  So I asked her, “Where’s the sticker, Meg?  Where did it go?”  She toddled all the way out through the kitchen, to the garage door and pointed up at the sticker charts for the twins’ PT rewards.  I did not coach her; I just followed where she went.  Apparently, she knows the word “sticker” already.  Yikes.

I had one of those days today where, in order to finish any of the jobs on my to-do list, I had to start 3 other projects, which now remain undone.  But I did get the applesauce Eric and I made yesterday into the freezer and some stains out of some clothes.  So that’s something, I guess.

Speaking of stains, there really isn’t a good substitute for OxyClean, I’ve found.  The Clorox version never worked as well as OxyClean did today.  Maybe it’s just my laundry, though.  Who knows…

Because the twins played for an hour instead of going to sleep, all three of my kids napped for the exact same 2 hours today.  It.was.lovely!

Both twins finished a PT reward chart today.  Eric took them to the store, bought marshmallows and chocolate bars, and made them s’mores on the kitchen table with his camp stove.  They loved it.  Alex licked his graham crackers clean and left them on the table.  I guess we know where his priorities lie…

I’ve worn makeup for 5 days in a row.  Can’t remember the last time that happened.  Maybe I’ll just keep putting it on and get back into the habit.  Maybe not.  Do you find it helpful/important to wear makeup and such, even on a day you know you won’t go anywhere?  I debate the issue to myself sometimes, so I’d love to hear your thoughts on it.

Anyway, I need to go to bed.  So off I go.  Happy Monday!

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  1. gsowell
    September 27, 2011

    I should get money for advertising for OxyClean.  I love that stuff.  It gets out almost every stain.  Really.

    I started wearing make-up every day (even if I was home).  Just a little.  It made me feel more presentable for the day, and I didn’t shy away from pop-up plans.  And I felt prettier for my hubby.  He didn’t care either way, but I did.

  2. faithchick
    September 28, 2011

    i’ve never tried oxyclean.

    we’re not doing too hot in the PT dept.  She can hold it, but she just WON’T let it out on the potty.
    and, i wear make-up every day (i timed myself once and my routine takes 1 min! haha!)…and I fix my hair every day.  It gives me more gusto to attack my day…if I don’t, i just feel sloppy and gross and if I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror w/ messy hair (my hair is wild if i don’t ‘do’ it) and no make up it makes me feel frumpy and ugly and want to burst into tears.  vainity, i guess?  but i feel so much more ME when my hair looks how i want it and my face doesn’t look like a 15 year old pimply teenage boy (that’s what i think i look like w/o it.).
    fyi–i always read your blog…i just don’t always have a min. to comment…in case you were wondering.

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