So we spent the weekend at the farm. The twins LOVE it there. They run and play and see cows and talk to grandparents and great-grandparents and ride tractors and pet dogs and play in mud puddles. They enjoy every minute of it, and I love that we have a place like that to go to. We are super-blessed!
Unfortunately, Megan developed a pretty bad fever over the weekend. She just didn’t feel well most of the time. Of course, I hadn’t taken a thermometer with me. But when we got home last night, her temp was just over 102. Ibuprofen brought it down a bit, but we had a pretty bad night. I haven’t been up that much in a single night since the twins were 5 months old! So, we are headed to the doctor’s office this afternoon to make sure we aren’t dealing with an ear infection. My guess is that it’s a virus of some sort, but it’s best to rule out her ears.
I’ve already mentioned that our church’s VBS was a couple of weeks ago. Tuesday’s lesson was about the Bible, and the kids learned to “put on their Bible glasses” and see everything through God’s Word. Okay, so then, fast forward to Saturday. The twins were swinging at the farm. Suddenly, Erin puts her hands up by her eyes like binoculars and says, “I put on my Bible glasses!” She’d never mentioned that lesson before. But she remembered it. They are learning so much! Erin sings songs (Jesus Loves Me, the B-i-b-l-e, My God is so Big, and The Itsy-Bitsy Spider are her favorites). They love to pray before bed. Erin “read” me our book about Jonah the other day, and did surprisingly well on the details of the story. It’s just really awesome to see them picking up spiritual truths at every turn. I love it!
And another thing…I mentioned recently how the twins are moving super quickly into the next stages of life. But I noticed over the weekend how often they do something significant at a time that is so frustrating or annoying for me that I almost miss them. I really have to be paying attention, and surprisingly, I actually have been.
Like at breakfast yesterday. Alex doesn’t answer questions well. He says no to everything I offer, even when he really means yes. Frustrating for him. Frustrating for me. But in the middle of yet another of those little dialogues, I heard him request the cereal he wanted, by name, for the very first time. It took me a minute to realize he’s asked for “Li’ cereal” (Life), but that’s what he wanted. He is finally learning to verbalize what he wants with real words. It’s awesome…even though it’s totally frustrating, too.
Or last night. For an hour, I literally walked between Megan’s and Erin’s beds. Settle one and the other would wake up. Settle that one, the first one would start again. But while I was snuggling Erin at one point, it hit me. We’ll be potty training soon. She’ll be out of diapers (and is TOTALLY ready for that step, too). But I realized that I may never again snuggle my “baby” Erin. She’s my big girl now. She’ll still need snuggling, thankfully. But we’re really entering an entirely new stage. So even though I was SO tired and really wanted to get back to bed, I took a minute to enjoy the feel of her on my lap, the sound of her breathing, the tightness of her grip on my arm. And even though I’m really tired today, I’m so glad I didn’t miss that moment!
Okay, I really need to stop now and go mash up some black raspberries for jam before the little ones wake back up. So…happy Monday!
June 27, 2011
Sounds like we’ve been thinking along the same lines! Our babies won’t always be babies…