(Fair warning: This is long and deals with non g-rated topics. But like the title implies…I think it’s important!) So…okay. I’ve had this one brewing for a few days. And it may not even be necessary what with all the 50 Shades hoopla going on. BUT. Maybe it actually is. Because, no offense intended,...
All the Things That Matter Blog
So the drywall company tried to deliver the drywall yesterday. They drove all the way here from Columbus, a “2 1/2 hour drive” they said (though I happened to see McKinley Ave. on the truck, and I can tell you for certain that it does not take 2 1/2 hours to drive to my house...
Winter Wonderings
So here I am on a cold, snowy afternoon characterized by the unusual reality that I don’t have much pressing for my time right now. I’m between writing jobs. Two of the crazies are at school, the other two are napping. I’m almost caught up on laundry. I should do some house-keeping. But instead,...
You are a Brave Mom
Did you know that? You are. Really. It may not feel like it sometimes. I don’t feel like it’s true very much. But honestly, the very nature of parenthood means staring the unknown, potentially heart-wrenching future in the face and doing.it.anyway. For us, brave looks like the start of Kindergarten. My twins got on...
Always Behind
I just went to the kitchen to get the glass of water I always keep beside the bed so I can drink it first thing in the morning. There is a sink-full of dishes there, with more on the counter. They are dirty. But they wouldn’t fit into the dishwasher, which is currently, loudly,...