Making an apology isn’t easy, but it’s important. It’s how we maintain our connection to those we love. But, as with anything worth doing, there is a right way (and a wrong way) to do it. Two Problems In my house, apologies usually sound like one child stage-whispering “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry”...
Category: Engage
I think we all have that one thing that haunts us – a habit, a sin, a something that seems to undo us just by showing up in our day. Mine is anxiety. I’ve struggled with anxiety for years. Decades, even. For most of my life, it’s hovered in the shadows until, without warning,...
Apologies, part 1
Evidenced by the feud this week between a reporter and teenaged gun control advocate, our culture is in dire need of re-learning the art of apologies. Giving them AND accepting them. It’s certainly a biblical concept: “If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone” (Rom. 12:18). But...
The most embarrassing thing I ever did was something only my husband saw. The specifics aren’t terribly important. I’ll totally leave you to guess what might qualify as the “most embarrassing thing” ever to me. It probably doesn’t even rank on most people’s top 5 most embarrassing moments. Well, no, it probably would. It...
This is a Modern Flannelgraph post. The book of Numbers is a great place to learn about complaining. Sure, Numbers probably isn’t really top of your list for daily Bible reading. I get that. It’s in the Old Testament (and all the good stuff’s in the New Testament, right?). It’s in the Pentateuch. (That’s the...