So I typically behave as if pain is to be avoided at all costs. You know, get comfortable, stay comfortable. Repeat. And for pretty much all my life, anything that interrupted this cycle was bad. Capital BAD. But I’m finding, surprisingly, that it’s really not. The last year (and more) has been an interesting study in...
Category: Life As We Know It
Things that are on my mind today… The health needs of a pastor friend and a young man in our school district That those in power don’t seem to see that wisdom always wants MORE input, never less That people believe it’s okay to destroy someone else’s career, income, or reputation simply because they disagree...
In a Funk
This morning, I woke up in a funk. I was tired from a busy Tuesday. I was tired from the drama and discourse of the last week. I was grumpy and really wanted everyone to just leave me alone. (So of course, they needed me even when I was going to the bathroom first thing...
Start Where You Are
So there are now way too many reports of people being harassed, assaulted, demeaned, threatened by “Trump supporters.” And from one side, I’m hearing a lot of “This is all your fault” and “You’d better fix this” to the other side. So, let’s get this (I would have thought) obvious point out of the way....
So What Do We DO?
The election is over (finally!). The results are in. And America is now looking around at the debris (to some, the holocaust) and wondering … what’s next? I, for one, am shocked and (tbh) pleased. I have been a #neverHillary for 20 years, long before hashtags were even a thing. But I honestly didn’t...