To Whomever You Are

I don’t know your name yet. Or maybe I do, and I’m still unaware of it. But I’m waiting for you. You, my friend. It’s been a long time of just circling, waiting, sometimes (mostly) less than patiently, for you to arrive. My next real friend. I had to move, you see, to set my...


So the drywall company tried to deliver the drywall yesterday. They drove all the way here from Columbus, a “2 1/2 hour drive” they said (though I happened to see McKinley Ave. on the truck, and I can tell you for certain that it does not take 2 1/2 hours to drive to my house...

Winter Wonderings

So here I am on a cold, snowy afternoon characterized by the unusual reality that I don’t have much pressing for my time right now. I’m between writing jobs. Two of the crazies are at school, the other two are napping. I’m almost caught up on laundry. I should do some house-keeping. But instead,...

Day 25: The View from my Porch

So this was what our yard looked like a few weeks ago… And then, finally, they showed up to dig… Then came footers and frames and concrete… And now we have a poured basement, complete with waterproofing and backfill…   In the next couple of weeks, we will see major changes (i-beams and framers...

Day 16: House Building

So building a house is not an easy thing. I’ve been told this. I believed every person who told me, but I’m also finding it out for myself. We’re now a month into our build, and I’ve discovered some things already that have made the ride, well, interesting, to say the least. 1. Stress....

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