Timmy was just watching a little Christmas video (Why Do We Call It Christmas? from the folks at What’s in the Bible?). I wasn’t really paying much attention, so I have no idea what exactly the characters said. But suddenly he popped up and said, “Sometimes, you don’t get what you want for Christmas, right, Mom?”...
Category: Life As We Know It
A Hard Christmas, Part 2
I didn’t really write my last post intending to write a whole series. But this morning, I was reading about the shepherds in Luke 2, and I noticed something. The Christmas story is full of … fear. Luke 1:12 – An angel appeared in the temple to Zechariah: “When Zechariah saw him, he was...
When It’s a Hard Christmas
I can’t say my holiday season has been terribly overwhelming this year. I’m mostly on top of presents. We had our big birthday party over the weekend (three of four kids born in December can get complicated), and other family gatherings too. We’re busy with a variety of events and activities. It’s not a...
Engage Life: Sunny
It’s funny how dogs become part of the family, isn’t it? Sunny is our 2.5 year old mutt. She looks like a pure-bred golden retriever, but she’s not even close. We got a second pup from the same litter, Shiloh, and she looks like a Rottweiler. But they’re both just good old-fashioned mutts. Anyway,...
I was sitting with my family in the studio waiting for our portrait sitting. Everything was running late and I had to be somewhere in barely an hour. The room was filled with people, and I silently blamed all of them as I watched the clock hands creep toward my deadline. I tried to...